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What do you guys think?



That I'm unknown about it of how female part like orisa would make


I love the sloshing noises.


The sloshing noises work for her tits, but I think they should move as if they had soft, and squishy ballistic gel. I want to see her booty bouncy like Jell-O when you smack it!


Yeah maybe she's full of some kind of reactive fluid. Soft when it's low impact, but hardens under high impacts like bullets.


If you mean slosh effect as in the sound effect your animation had in the last time, I think it'd be weird. Like it made sense with her breast since breast milk and such. But sloshing in the ass and Implying that theres some liquid in her ass might be a bit uncanny to some people. Plus I think the impactful whack is good enough in my opinion.