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So, Nin10do has been striking down Creators on patreon who do anything lewd with there characters again. while i've not been affected i've been chatting with other artists about it. While I had initially thought this was only for those creators who used modified versions of nin10do's assets. but with the striking of another creator recently who does Art that in no way could be confused with anything official. it seems that its just anyone who puts there lewd fan art of nin10do characters behind a paywall. and since patreon asks that all 18+ art be restricted to patrons here. all lewd art is behind a paywall and there for technically infringing.
so as a preemptive measure I'm going to be implementing a few policies from now on.
here is a couple of ideas we spit balled.

instances of characters or franchise from Historically litigious companies will be intentionally misspelled on patreon in a way that you can still understand what I'm talking about, but hopefully wont show up in the search engine rankings. (Nin10do, poh-kay-manz, fair-ha-mosa, may-ri-o, guard-e-vore). im not sure how effective this will be. may only succeed in making me look silly. but worth a shot.

and since the issue seems to be the fact that the art is on patreon. i think this will be the more effective of the two.
for Nin10do characters i may have to do a way with the timed patreon exclusive nsfw art.
so WIP, polls and non-nin10do characters will still be on patreon. but NSFW art for nin10do Characters will go up on New grounds and twitter about the same time would release it here. and maybe notify you guys here to check those sites.

ultimately the only thing that changes is when i release the lewd loops to the public for nin10do characters but everything else atm remains the same.

so i just wanted to inform you guys about these changes and ask what you would rather go down here.
and if ya have any thoughts or ideas of your own go ahead and sound off.



Lol, I was the one odd answer in the poll. I like the work you've done. Just curious to see what you can make on your own.


I was curious about that. Lol but dont worry i do have some other things in the works that might peek that intrest ;)


Those basterds. Their characters are old enough to be NSFW anyways.