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Hey guys, here's the first major patch of Inn Another World: v0.02



-2 New events for Alice

-1 New conversation for Alice

-3 New events for Maria

-3 New conversations for Maria

-4 New events for Tirria

-1 New conversation for Tirria


-All Character story lines streamlined (Require less repeated conversations/content)

-Maria and Ritsuki art adjustments

-SFX fixes

-Added smoothing to existing and new animations

-Updated replay/memory system with new UI and added features

-New Map Screen (Tell me what you think of the new style!)

-New stat screen UI and tips

-Various Bug Fixes and Conversation adjustments

-Experimental Save Upgrade system added

Going forward from this patch onward, the first release will be available to $10 Patrons and higher, with the all Patron release following in 24 hours. The Public release will be available 48 hours after the first release, so check back in a couple days if you aren't a Patron!

As usual, all feedback, bug reports, and questions are welcome here, on Discord or over itch.io



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