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A big update to the "historical cards" (which span 2007-08 onwards, since that's the analytics era where our data-set begins) has finally arrived. I've been hearing from people for a while that they wanted to fill in some of the blanks with the previous ones, which went from 2007-08 to 2018-19, and I'm happy to say that this new edition contains every season we have data for.

There are also a few more changes. While there are historical versions of the regular player cards, I've also combined the player cards and timelines together to give a better view of the context of a player's full career. They're called Timeline Cards, and you can see an example above (Jagr's absurd one).

Here are the links to request access:

As a quick reminder of how it works, once you navigate to a sheet (Forward Cards, Defence Cards, or Timeline Cards), use the dropdown menu where the player's name appears on the card itself...

And then select which season you would like to see. Remember that not all players played in all seasons, so some will bring up blank cards.

Enjoy, and please let me know if there are any issues.




Requested : tymerritt155@gmail.com