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With the season essentially over, I thought it would be a good idea to offer player cards that specifically showed only data from the 2020-21 season.

Like the goalie cards, I added these cards directly into the Player Cards 3.0 sheet so no need to request access if you're already on it.

Here's the Link. Scroll to the far right of the sheet for duplicate tabs - they're the last eight tabs as well.

The regular 3-season player cards are a lot more valuable - more sample size, more time for percentages to even out, more sense of player trajectory, etc. But since we love talking about awards and single-season performance, a lot of people asked for these.

What's next, now that the regular season's basically over? Plenty.

1. Updating everything - the Forward and Defence Timelines, the Roster Generator, etc - with the new data.

2. Adding historical cards again, probably going back to 2014-17 at first but possibly earlier as well.

3. Prospect cards - long-awaited. Patrick has been hard at work on his own NHLe model and hopes to connect it to WAR at all, which would help create a cutting-edge and unique new set of prospect visualizations. These will be ready before the draft.

Thank you guys so much for subscribing and enjoy the playoffs!



Carter Hemrick

Requested: chemrick9@gmail.com

El Shabob

Requested: 00davidsaad@gmail.com