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Excited to give you guys something I know you've been waiting for for a while: 2021 Player Cards.

Here's the Link to Request Access 

We still aren't deep enough in the season to have WAR - especially because the PP and PK sample sizes are still so small. But this presents some its most important components as well as some other useful stuff.

All stats, as with the regular player cards, are represented as percentiles ranking a player relative to his peers at the same position above a certain TOI threshold. Right now that threshold is 100 EV TOI but that will go up as the season goes on.

1. RAPM xGoals For, xGoals Against, and xGoal +/- Impact

This shows how Patrick's model estimates a player's individual impact on their team generating scoring chances for, preventing them against, and the overall net effect of the two. The larger the sample size, the more reliable this estimate will be.

The model used here is a vanilla model, meaning that it does not factor in prior performances so it is only trained on this season's results.

It's worth noting that these stats are not per 60, but the full-season pace of total RAPM. This brings it closer in line to what WAR would measure.

2. Finishing

This compares a player's full-season even strength goals pace to their even strength expected goals pace.

3. Penalty +/-

This compares a player's full-season minor penalties taken pace to their minor penalties drawn pace.

4. Goals, Primary Assists, and Primary Points per 60

Self-explanatory - a player's goals, primary assists, and primary points per 60 minutes at even strength.

5. Quality of Competition and Teammates

This uses the same quality of competition and teammates stat that I've used in other visualizations in which quality is measured in terms of TOI%. So a player with a high QoT is playing with 1st liners and 1st pairs, and a player with a high QoC is playing against 1st liners and 1st pairs more often.

Remember as always that this is context and not something that isn't taken into account by the RAPM.

And that's it! Still aiming to have the full Player Cards ready well before the trade deadline but this should tide you guys over in the meantime. As always, let me know about any questions you have via DM.




Ryan Oldford

Requested ( awesome job btw)

Ronan Tegerdine

requested: ronan.tegerdine@gmail.com