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TOI% Quality of Competition and Teammates Link 

(No access request necessary, but I request that you please not share this link with non-subscribers or on social media. I would like to keep doing Tableau stuff and a lot of it hinges on the ability to keep these viz exclusive to the people who have generously pledged their hand-earned to keep food on the table of your humble stats man)

Followers on Twitter might have noticed that I have been messing around with Tableau lately for 2020-21 data. Tableau is a pain in the ass for a lot of things - its many limitations have unfortunately prevented me from transferring the player cards onto there, for example. But what it can do is scatterplots. Really really well. So I'm going to be making a lot of those available to you guys in the next little bit with 2020-21 data. These will be automatically updating as the season goes along. 

The first is a visualization of Quality of Competition, Quality of Teammates, and Time on Ice Percentage. As far as I know, Patrick and I are the only ones making this type of data available like this. None of these stats measure player quality, just deployment. This a measure of the quality of players a certain skaters plays with and against, measured by the time on ice they play. So someone who plays against top lines will have a high QoC, and someone who plays with bottom sixers will have a low QoT, for example. Generally you'd expect a guy's QoC and QoT to be directly connected, but it's guys who veer off in one direction or another that are especially interesting.

This worksheet includes three dashboards: QoC vs QoT, TOI% vs QoC, and TOI% vs QoT

The second two compare competition and teammates to the ice time a player gets. Like I said above, you'd expect QoC and QoT to be roughly in line with how much somebody plays, but that's not always the case. 

All of this data will be even more useful as the season goes on and player face a wider variety of opponents and play with more combinations of skaters.

What's next is team-focused visualizations including a large variety of stats. Hopefully I'll have those up by the end of the week.




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