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As you may have noticed, I just uploaded the entirety of my backlog to the wrong tier on accident as I am sick as fuck and hit the wrong button. 

So, uh... oops. I can't really take the emails back, so enjoy. I'll obviously work to catch the $15 tier up with another 20 bonus chapters ahead since I just sent out like all their chapters, but it might take me a little while to do it. If you don't want to be waiting around for a few days for the next chapters as it'll take me about 2 weeks to write an extra 20 chapters, I suggest not reading the pdf... but I know I would if I were in your shoes, lmao. 

Anyway, I'm gonna go crash because I can barely think straight. 



I didn’t actually capitalize the oopsie, but the sheer knowledge of the existence of a mega pdf like that was too much for me to ignore. I upgraded on the spot so I could read guilt free! That being said, you shouldn’t feel like you need to “recover” your backlog now and compensate or whatever. Just keep to your current plans and pretend it didn’t happen. And take a break, I’d rather wait a week every now and then while you do some self-care than waiting half a year because you’re burnt out or locked away in some mental asylum because you snapped haha


Actus I beg, take a break. You've been churning out more chapters on your own than my 5 other patreon subscriptions combined, and I really don't want you to get isekaid into your novel you died making.