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Hi all!

I'm in an airport as I write this. I have absolutely no idea what time it's meant to be, so expect some chapters soon. The laws of the outside world don't apply here. 

Anyway, my Romantasy novel is finally out on amazon! If you - or anyone you know - likes romance, particularly the style of stuff you see in my other novels, please consider checking it out! 

It's a romantasy with all my favorite tropes, but without any of the infuriating ones. (No harem, stupid misunderstandings, pointless drama, etc). It's mostly wholesome romance with a the Actus mystery/fantasy twist. Lots of magic and fighting, so if you like Noah & Moxie's relationship and wish it was a bit more - this is for you.

I should say, this is a Romantasy. Expect 2 very short spicy scenes. They're not obscenely explicit, but they are present. 

Anyway, thanks so much for your support. 

If you want to read the novel, you can CHECK IT OUT HERE FOR FREE.  

Anyway, Runebound & Forge chapters soon. Goodnight/goodmorning/good whatever the hell it is. 



Nice book. Interesting ending. Is there a sequel coming? Will you release chapters on Patreon in advance?


Thank you! I do want to write a sequel, but I'll probably only do it if the novel performs well enough to justify it. It's a REALLY difficult market, so the cards are stacked against me. But, if enough people do read/review it and I can justify writing book 2, the advance chapters will be on patreon.


Any chance of an audio book if it does well enough?


Yeah if it performs well enough I’ll def get an audiobook.

Tanner Gaskin

Does anyone know where to read this? All of the links seem to be broken and searching for it on Amazon hasn’t found it.


I can send it to you privately, the launch kinda flopped and I gave the novel to my publisher to be released properly. I might just put it in my discord until it comes out again, tbh

Daniel Vainsencher

I guess I read it as it was going down, the link was broken but a search had worked, and now I wanted to star it and didn't find it. For what its worth: I enjoyed it, would read a sequel.