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Poll in regard to chapter notifications

  • Leave things as they are 206
  • Split the tiers up 4
  • 2023-12-26
  • 210 votes
{'title': 'Poll in regard to chapter notifications', 'choices': [{'text': 'Leave things as they are', 'votes': 206}, {'text': 'Split the tiers up', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 26, 17, 32, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 210}


Hi all!

So... I post a lot. Especially with a new novel coming out on RR, there are going to be a pretty good amount of non-Rune bound uploads, 1-2 a day likely. I know a lot of you are probably going to be interested in only receiving notifications for Runebound, but unfortunately Patreon doesn't really give me a lot of tools I can use to limit notifications. 

I kind of only have a few options, and they involve gating content behind tiers - so let me know what you'd all prefer and I'll try to find the option that's the least obtrusive, hahaha. 

The options are:

1. Leave things as they are, so the $10 tier gets notifications about every chapter release but can also read everything I've written thus far

2. Split Runebound and Blacksmith into different $10 tiers. You would NOT be able to read BOTH Runebound and Gleam unless you joined the $15 tier, which has notifications for everything & access for everything. 

If people are in strongly support of #2, I'll probably give full refunds to anyone who joins the $15 tier this month as I'm not a massive fan of forcing upgrades for something I've already released in the $10 tier, but Patreon just has no bloody options for notification settings - so let me know what you guys think! If it's not too much of a bother, then I'll just leave everything as it is. 

Cheers and best wishes,




I follow you because I want to read more of your work, not less. So I don't see a reason to split them up.


Actus, honestly, all these new books are scaring me. Does this mean runebound is ending soon? Or just too many ideas in your head?


Hahaha nah, Runebound is safe. It legally can't end soon, I'm in a 6 book contract and Book 1 was 200k words, while book 2 was 240k. I've written a total of 800k words so far, which means I'm pretty much in Book 4 right now - I've got to write all the way up to book 6 at a BARE minimum, and I suspect it'll probably go longer than that.


I’m hooked on all your work, I would be sad if Gleam was split off. Dunno why not many seem to comment on those chaps but I do read them