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Hey all!

It's been a bit since I've done a normal discussion post. As many of you know, I always write my books with an ending in mind. I don't do endless serials or the like. 

And, as I'm sure some of you suspect, Eldritch Bestie is closing in on the ending that I envisioned two years ago, when I started writing the story. 

It's... a strange feeling. Part of me wants to keep the story going just to, well, keep you all around.  I'm trying to do this full time, after all. 

Despite that, I'm not going to stretch the story. I truly love this series, and I want to do it justice. 

I want to make sure these last chapters are really fantastic, so please give feedback on anything that doesn't feel quite right about pacing, fights, or really anything. 

It has been an absolute honor to write Eldritch Bestie for all of you. I'll obviously continue writing, even after the series has ended. There will be some epilogue chapters for EB to wrap up the final loose ends, etc etc. 

I'll probably address more of that once the series is actually over. If you haven't read any of my other work, I highly suggest checking out one of my other novels, Gleam! It has similar vibes to Eldritch Bestie, so if you like it then you'll probably like that one as well. 

Finally, I'll probably release a new patreon-only (for the time being) series a few months after EB ends. We'll see what happens there, but I think you'll all like it. More magic school shenanigans ;)

Anyway, this is basically an extra chapter at this point. If you're still reading, sorry for the word vomit. Just feels weird to be getting this close to the end of something I've been working on for 2 years.
I hope you've all been enjoying!




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