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Lucy flopped down on a straw chair and let out a long suffering sigh. She looked up at the dingy, stone ceiling above her, then grimaced at the bristly straw digging into her butt and back. She shifted around, trying to find a more comfortable spot and failing miserably.

“Remind me why we have to live in the world’s ugliest and most uncomfortable hovel?” Lucy complained, reaching for her mug.

It wasn’t there. She pressed her lips together. It was never with her when she came home. For that reason alone, she would have done everything in her power to come back – if it weren’t for one small detail, that is.

“Because humility is a valuable trait that has been lost to most cultivators,” a kindly voice replied.

A young man walked out from behind her, his blonde hair glistening in the dim light. His eyes were a brilliant blue and he wore plain cloth robes that would have looked like rags on anyone else, but somehow managed to look fit for a king on his body.

The straw covering the ground shifted and rose up, forming a smooth chair beneath him as he sat across from Lucy.

“Could my chairs at least be as comfortable as yours? I know for a fact you aren’t getting poked in the ass by yours.”

“You lack respect for the world,” the main replied with an easygoing laugh. “Soon, Lucy. You aren’t too far, now. Maybe a few hundred more years, if you continue as you have been.”

Lucy grunted. “Sure thing, Rilu. How about giving me my mug back, then?”

“Absolutely not. Your liver might be immortal for all intents and purposes, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it the respect it deserves. Your body is part of the world. You should treat it better.”

“Bah. Don’t push your crap on everyone else,” Lucy said, rolling her eyes. “This is why everyone hates you.”

“As far as I am aware, the only person that hates me is you. But, I suppose that is to be expected from a student. It is difficult to raise someone to be a powerful cultivator without building up a little bit of resentment. Was it the time I suspended you above the sea of lava?”

“We are not playing therapist today,” Lucy said, crossing her arms. The movement caused her chair to prick her hard, and she cursed, swatting it. “You know why I’m here.”

“I do,” Rilu admitted. “How did it go?”

“At first, I thought you were full of it,” Lucy said, rubbing her forehead. “The boy’s arrival was so faint that it really did feel like he wouldn’t be of any real importance.”

“Everyone is of importance.”

“Oh, shut it. You know what I meant.” Lucy waved a hand dismissively and glared at Rilu. “But the boy – he’s already a Rank Two, and on his way to reaching Three. He actually managed to learn my old fighting style as well, even though it didn’t fit him perfectly.”

“I don’t care about any of that,” Rilu said. “What of his personality? What kind of person is he?”

“Kind. Naïve and desperate to keep others from learning too much about him, but kind. He’s also a terrible liar.”

Rilu nodded thoughtfully. “This is good. Were you the first to reach him? I would not imagine so, as the seal placed on Centurion means another cultivator had already been meddling.”

“I wasn’t. I made the boy think I had no idea to avoid stressing him, but he’s wrapped up with a very powerful cultivator. Yamish.”

“Yamish is involved?” Rilu’s eyes widened and he leaned forward in his chair. “You jest.”

“Dead serious, you sober prick. And I think he’s more than just involved. The kid’s got a thick thread of Karma between him and Yamish’s clone.”

“I never thought I’d see the day,” Rilu said, shaking his head in disbelief and leaning back. “This is an omen indeed.”

“A good one or a bad one?”

“Of that, I am unsure. Yamish is one of the few cultivators in this portion of the universe that I am loathe to deal with. He is unpredictable and it has been hundreds of years since I have last seen him fight, so his strength is unknown to me.”

Despite herself, Lucy felt a tiny trickle of worry for Chance. Her hands tightened around the straw of the chair. “Is the boy in danger?”

“Life is danger,” Rilu replied. “Yamish’s pursuit of power is odd, considering the method in which he cultivates Karma. And, worse, he is a schemer. I cannot match up to him in the department of the mind.”

“You couldn’t match up to a hamster there either, you philosophical brat,” Lucy muttered. “What should we do?”

“Do? Nothing. The universe is ever in motion, and it is not our place to interfere any further.”

“Isn’t the boy in danger? Yamish wouldn’t do something selflessly.”

“He would not,” Rilu agreed. “However, Yamish would have very little to gain from killing a fledgling cultivator, and the Karma he would reap for killing something so much weaker than him would be very significant. For a man who has been incredibly careful to maintain a perfect karmic balance, that does not strike me as something he would do.”

“What is he doing, then?” Lucy asked. “You can’t actually be implying that Yamish has decided to take on a student. When has he ever cared in the slightest for anyone other than himself?”

“Never. But there is always time to start.”

Lucy pierced Rilu with a withering glare. He returned it with a small smile and half a shrug.

“For now, we will watch. If Yamish truly plans to kill a child, it may be grounds for us to intervene. I do not believe my Essence would permit me to stand aside. But, until we know Yamish is not just attempting to teach a young cultivator, we do nothing.”

“That’s it? Nothing?”



The week leading up to the tournament passed quickly. Chance and his team spent most of it training with everything they had – which, for Chance, mostly meant focusing on physical practice so he could hold up his fighting style for as long as possible.

Bella and Yeo both mostly focused on cultivation, keeping to themselves for most of the week. Before any of them knew it, the day was upon them. Pete gathered them all early in the morning and led them through the streets of Gleam, down through Main Plaza Road and onto a large street that Chance hadn’t had a chance to use yet.

As usual, a large and diverse crowd joined them in their path. In the horizon, floating above them, was one of the islands that floated above Gleam. Atop it was an enormous colosseum, much like the one in Rome back on earth.

The towering circular building rose far into the sky, almost like a tower. Chance couldn’t recall any of the islands ever being so close to the ground, so it must have lowered for the tournament.

A glimmering golden pathway extended from the front of the colosseum and alighted on the side of the road, in a large space between buildings that had clearly been prepared for this. A steady crowd of people were heading up the path, though it wasn’t nearly as crowded as the main road.

With Pete at the lead, they pushed through the crowd and up to the pathway. Chance put a foot on the golden bridge, surprised to find that it felt just like standing on the ground.

“What? You expected it to be squishy or something?” Bella asked, noticing the look on his face. “I suppose I could see where that would come from, but Gleam’s islands are all part of some huge magical artifact.”

“The Golden Bridge,” Pete provided as they continued up toward the colosseum, unable to stop without causing a huge traffic jam. “It’s what keeps the islands in the air above Gleam and connects everything with Essence. It also powers Gleam’s defenses. Without it, the city wouldn’t be nearly as successful as it is now.”

“Wow,” Chance said. “How much Essence does it take to keep so many things running? That seems like a really powerful artifact, but I don’t really have much reference for how strong artifacts are.”

“Nobody does,” Pete said. “They range, and most of them are naturally occurring. They’re usually objects that have been around a large concentration of Essence for a long period of time. That awakens them, granting the objects powers. Eventually, they can even grow personalities. That’s pretty rare, though.”

Chance nearly mentioned the Old City, but he kept his mouth shut. If Pete and his friends were dragged into his possible confrontation with Yamish, he’d never forgive himself.

“Don’t look so worried,” Yeo said, slapping Chance on the shoulder. “Artifacts don’t matter right now. We aren’t going to see anything that powerful until we either leave the city or get really, really rich.”

“I doubt it’s the artifact he’s thinking about,” Bella said. “Don’t fret over the tournament either, Chance. In the long run, it doesn’t matter.”

“Scratch that,” Yeo said. “We’re going for the top. No losing allowed.”

Bella glared at him. “That is not reassuring.”

“Chance doesn’t need reassuring,” Yeo replied. “He’s got that new fighting style and can hold his own against both of us. We’re going to do fantastic – and I’m going to win.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Bella said, shaking her head.

They reached the top of the golden pathway and walked through a several story tall archway. The foot traffic split off into two directions, with the majority of the people heading off to the right.

Several attendants stood along the entrance of the colosseum, directing everyone that passed by them. They wore sharp blue suits trimmed with gold and had badges with an embossing of Gleam’s skyline on them pinned to their lapels. As Chance’s group grew closer to the split, a woman nodded to them.


“These three are,” Pete replied. “I’m just watching.”

“Kids to the left, you’re to the right,” the woman said.

“Good luck. I’ll be cheering you all on,” Pete said, raising a hand and heading off with the majority of the crowd.

“Thanks!” Chance called after him as they split off to follow the woman’s directions. They headed down a stairwell and through a long hallway. More Gleam employees stood along the doors, motioning the competitors on.

They passed dozens of doors until an employee caught their attention and gestured to an open room.

“You three are a group right? In here. You’ll find some numbers in the room. Press your thumb into the button beneath them to choose one. When that number is called, that’s when you’ll be going up.”

“Understood,” Bella said.

They headed inside and the man closed the door behind them. The room had four chairs lined up before a long window that provided a good view into the large arena floor just outside. It was just elevated enough to let them see everything that was happening without risking getting hit by any crossfire.

Like the employee had said, there were four metal plates along the wall, numbered ninety-two through ninety-six. Each plate had a small embossing beneath the numbers. Without hesitation, Yeo strode up to ninety-two and pressed his thumb into the hole. He yanked it back with a curse, revealing a tiny droplet of blood where it had been.

“Little thing poked me,” Yeo said, glaring at it.

“It’s probably how they know someone’s here,” Bella said. “You care which number you get, Chance?”

“Nah. They’re all the same.”

Chance took ninety-three, and Bella took ninety-four. They all glanced around the room, but nobody had given them any more instructions, so they just sat down in their chairs to wait. Chance fidgeted in his chair, but not for the reasons Bella and Yeo probably suspected.

Sure, he wanted to win the tournament. But it wasn’t for the fame or feeling of success anymore – he needed the money. It was the only way to get stronger fast enough to have even an inkling of a chance against whatever Yamish or the Old City might throw at him. The others were fighting for a rank, but he might very well have been fighting for his life.


Cyclic Addict Recovering

typo, “to *not* come back”: She pressed her lips together. It was never with her when she came home. For that reason alone, she would have done everything in her power to come back – if it weren’t for one small detail, that is.

Cyclic Addict Recovering

This chapter reminded me of a building impression that only Chance thanks people - I can’t recall Bella or Yeo saying the usual pleasantries beyond major plot points like Bella thanking Chance. Oh and Pete responding to Chance’s kindness philosophy from the get-go


It might be because he just does it so much more often, and both of his friends are a bit odd in their own ways, hahaha.


To a small degree it is for sure! There’s less humility in this world, as Rilu said. I just don’t want people to think that characters are never thankful ;)


So yeah I just finished work and those 40-ish chapters were like the only things keeping me alive, really a blessing :D


I shall work to make sure there are more chapters to keep you entertained!


Thanks for the chapter.


Thanks for the chapter. Finally tournament time!! Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77165316


I think you uploaded this on the wrong tier?