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Knell cocked his head to the side. “I did no such thing. We left it in the room. Last I saw –”

His eye twitched again. He glanced up at the railing, where Maya swung. “Ah.”

“Ah indeed,” Dread said with a wry smile. “And now we have a problem.”

“No, we really don’t,” Knell said. “Take her. I care nothing one way or another for the woman’s life. She aligned herself against me.”

“No, that isn’t the problem,” Dread said, shaking her head. She curled her hands and the shadows rose up once more, forming a cocoon. It bloomed open, revealing the large blue Boon that had been sitting on the dais of Mount Bloodwater. There was a large chunk missing from the top of it. “The problem is that Maya attempted to attack your ship while you slept. She didn’t have a good mastery over her Boon abilities yet, so he was able to overpower her.”

“Oh, no,” Knell said. At second glance, the damage to the Boon looked suspiciously like bite marks. “He didn’t.”

“He did,” Dread said. “Not intentionally, from my understanding. But he did take a big bite out of her shoulder, which damaged the Boon mid integration. It blew her whole arm off and, more importantly, completely ruined the Boon.”

Knell couldn’t help himself. He started to laugh. “That’s rich. One of the biggest Boons in the Shattered Sea just sitting around, and Cyll eats the forsaken thing. But what do you want me to do about that? Surely you aren’t about to ask me to replace it.”

“I’m not an idiot,” Dread said. “You weren’t at fault. Technically, this Boon is yours by rite of battle. I’d like you to give it to me.”

“Hm. Why? Damaged or not, it would still make a powerful artifact,” Knell said. “Or I could absorb it for the experience.”

“Because it would make me happy.”


“You are a bold one,” Dread mused. “Do you know how many pirates would fall over themselves to kiss my feet, just for the opportunity to gain my favor?”

Stix’s hand went to her dagger and she gave Knell a slight nod from behind Dread. She flicked a dagger and it thudded to the deck between Dread’s feet, quivering. Dread didn’t even flinch.

“The next one goes in your neck,” Stix said. “Don’t threaten my Captain.”

That was aggressive, and also largely pointless. It didn’t really feel like a move Stix would typically do either. Knell cocked his head to the side.

“Do I look like a normal pirate to you, Dread?”

Dread’s cold eyes bored into him for a few moments. “Perhaps not. But I think you may overestimate your position here. Do not think that you can defeat me because you struck down a pathetic captain caught up in her own rage.

Wood splintered beneath Dread’s feet. Cyll’s hands punched up from below deck, flailing for a moment before wrapping around her ankles. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she didn’t even budge.

“Hello there,” Cyll said, his voice muted. “I’ll have you know that I’ve got a sword directly below you. One sharp pull and you’ll find yourself in a rather uncomfortable position.”

That explained the dagger throw. Stix was marking Dread’s position for Cyll.

“So, why should I give you the Boon?” Knell asked. “The other pirates have no idea I have it, which means I no longer have much desire to give it up. The main reason I left it behind was to avoid being hounded by every single one of them. The fact that you haven’t just taken it already means you want something more.”

Dread sighed. “I should have listened to Hau. Very well. I will do something that I have not done in a long time. I will speak to you as an equal. I want this Boon to make an artifact. It still possesses some of the sea goddess’ will. Unfortunately, it chose Maya as its wielder. Even though it is broken, if she dies, it will shatter and become worthless.”

“Then just bring – ah. You can’t, can you?” Knell asked. “You can’t bring people with you when you do that teleportation. I presume Hau just has it herself.”

“This is why I hate being direct,” Dread said, pressing her lips together. “Do you know how many people know any of my limitations?”

“At least one,” Knell said wryly. “Normally, I’d tell you to cut to the chase, but I find myself enjoying this. On the advice of my crew, I am taking some time to relax. So, Captain Dread, I think I have an understanding of the situation. You cannot kill any of us, because you need us to keep Maya alive until you can harvest that Boon.”

Dread sighed. “Correct.”

“Why would I do that?” Knell asked. “You’re asking me to keep an enemy on my ship. That’s just asking for a dagger in the back. And for what reward?”

“Gold?” Dread offered.

Knell smirked. “No. You can skip the other offers as well. I want the one that you’re saving for last.”

“You are insufferable,” Dread said. “Unfortunately, I care more about this Boon than I do about that. I’ll give you a favor.”

“That doesn’t seem particularly useful, especially if you kill me as soon as you get whatever you want from that Boon.”

Dread sighed again. “An open favor. One request, granted so long as it is within my ability and regardless of what it is. The only restriction is that it cannot harm me or my crew. And, furthermore, I swear to hold no ill will against you or your crew. You will find no trouble from me due to any actions today.”

“Any favor?” Stix asked, her eyes widening.

Dread’s eyes narrowed. “Any favor.”

“How long do we need to keep her?” Knell asked. “There’s only so long I want her dangling from my railing.”

“I don’t know,” Dread admitted. “Hence the incredibly lofty payment. To make things doable for you, I will use a Geas on her. I trust that will remove any worry of betrayal.”

Knell stopped to consider the offer. Dread really wanted that Boon. An open favor from one of the strongest pirates in the Sixteen Seas was an incredibly rare gift.

“Deal,” Knell said. “But if she kills herself, that’s not my fault.”

“I expect you do everything in your power to make sure she doesn’t,” Dread said coldly. “That favor is worth more than any amount of gold to me. I trust you won’t abuse it.”

Knell’s grin widened. “Oh, I absolutely will. But probably not in any way you’re thinking. Enjoy your Boon, Captain. Make sure to place the Geas on Maya before you leave.”


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