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It was a good day in one of the Heavens. It was not often that an angel was summoned to meet the Great Father, and Thane had been serving at the Gate for over ten thousand millennia. Thane dropped to one knee, laying his shimmering spear on the ground as he averted his eyes from the Throne of God.

“Rise, Thane,” a kindly voice said. It washed over the chamber like a warm river, bringing goosebumps to the angel’s bronzed skin.

“As you wish, Lord,” He obediently stood, leaving his weapon on the floor and keeping his gaze locked on his feet.

“There is no need to stand on ceremony,” the Father said with a small sigh. “If I ever catch who spread the rumor that you can’t look me in the eyes, I’ll give them a paddling. I don’t want to talk to the back of your head.”

Thane slowly raised his head. Despite his years of service, he’d never seen the Father. The frail man with a sun wrinkled face and a long white beard sitting cross legged on the ground before him was not who Thane had expected.

“Thank you for the blessing of your visage. I will honor it for the rest of my days,” Thane said, stopping himself from lowering his eyes again.

“Pooey. That sounds horribly awful,” the Father said. “Please don’t do that. Just… pet a dog for me. That’ll be a better use of your time.”

“I shall pet every dog I see until the end of time,” Thane solemnly promised, drawing an exasperated sigh from the Father.

“I suppose you could have worse aspirations,” he said. “However, I’m sure you’re wondering why I have called you here.”

“You have the right to demand anything of us. I would not dream to wonder,” Thane said.

“Nobody is entitled to loyalty. Even me.” The Father massaged his forehead. “And that is why I have called you.”

“I do not understand.”

“You have served me for more time than almost any of my other beloved creations,” the Father said with a warm smile. “Your vigil has existed since mere moments after the dawn of time. It is time for you to take a break.”

“A break? I cannot. Guarding the Gate is my duty,” Thane said.

“And it will be again,” the Father promised. “But you have earned a vacation, my child. There is more to life than work and servitude. Besides – I have need of an agent on the mortal realm. I am troubled.”

“Forgive me. I still do not understand,” Thane said, his brow knitting together. “What could possibly trouble you?”

The Father rose from the ground. A gnarled wood staff appeared in his hand and he walked over to Thane. The wizened god tapped the ground with the base of the staff, sending a ripple through the stone.

It shimmered, the beautiful gold and white designs giving way to a small town set in a grassy plain. The scene changed, shifting to show an armored man locked in a deadly dance with a hulking demonic creature. The scene changed again, flickering between towns, castles, people laughing, and war.

“Humans,” Thane said. “They are giving you trouble?”

“On the contrary. Something is giving them trouble,” the Father said. “The Opponent has been pressing the rules. He creates more monsters, ones that are stronger and faster than ever before.”

“Forgive my impertinence, but could you not simply destroy them?”

“I could,” the Father said. “But that would be incredibly boring. Without rules, there is no reason to live. If there was no adversity, there would be no happiness. Humanity needs excitement to thrive.”

“So… the Opponent has made things too exciting?”

“In a way. The Opponent has simply played a move in our game, and is now waiting for me to do the same. It is how we keep existance exciting. But if he goes too far, Humanity will not enjoy the challenge. They will fear it.”

“Is there something you would like me to do about this?” Thane asked. “I could slay the monsters to even the field once again, my King.”

“You could,” the Father said. “But you will not, as you are on vacation. I was simply speaking aloud. The humans need some assistance, and you need to let off some steam. I believe this could be mutually beneficial.”

“But… my place is here. Guarding the Heavens. There are others that could assist earth.”

“There are others,” the Father agreed. “But you have earned a vacation, no matter how much you refuse it. Your place is here, and someday, here you shall return.  Enjoy yourself, Thane. Relax for a few thousand years. Make some friends. Perhaps they shall open your eyes. Mortals are one of my greatest creations.”

The staff started to crackle with energy. Thane’s eyes widened as he felt something tug on his chest. His body slumped to the ground as the soul was gently coaxed free of it. The Father reached out, caressing it gently with a hand.

“Go, my child. Enjoy your vacation. And don’t even think that dying will get you out of it – I’ll send you right back.”

The Father dropped Thane into the glowing image on the floor. He fell through it wordlessly now that he no longer had a mouth, and plummeted towards the mortal plane.

Darkness filled Thane’s world. It enveloped him like a warm blanket as he plummeted through the dimensions. He slowly lost track of time.

Something flickered at the edge of his vision. Thane would have blinked had he had eyes. Instead, he focused on the small line of light flying towards him. Within moments, he was upon it.

Brilliant gold letters carved through the air, forming into a table in the darkness before him. At the same time, Thane felt flesh start to form around his soul. A body formed into existance from the nothingness.

Welcome to the Mortal Plane. Make sure to enjoy your vacation, Thane. You’ll have to forgive me – you wouldn’t have enjoyed the mortal realm in your old body, so I’ve made you a new one. It’s rather weak, but I’m confident you’ll be able to adapt.

Thane looked down at his hands. It was hard to tell how large he was with nothing to compare to, but his muscles had almost completely vanished. His skin was pale and smooth, with no signs of the countless battles he’d fought in.

The words on the window before him started to shift.

As you may notice, I’ve given you the basic status of a human. Generally, they all begin their adventures like this. However, given that you’re on vacation, I’ve given you a small boon as well. I don’t want you just copying your old body, so I’ve chosen a class for you.

Love, Father

The window flickered one more time, this time becoming something familiar to Thane – a status page.


Race: Human

Class: Dawn Guard

Level: 1 (0% Progress)

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 10 (1 / Minute)

Magical Energy: 28 (2.8 / Minute)

Magical Prowess: 15

Will: 10

Luck: 18

Unique Class Unlocked!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Stats updated to minimum requirements for class. Commencing transfer to the Mortal Plane…

Transfer complete. Enjoy your stay, Thane. And one more thing – no preaching. You are not to attempt to convince anyone of my, or any other god’s, power. This is a vacation, not a missionary trip.



Why did Thane fall from heaven? He needed a break. Please forgive my poor attempt at humor


He was probably in a lot of p-thane when he hit the ground. ... that just sounds I said pain with a lisp. Egh. Not the best joke I've ever made.


This is most likely the most fun and entertaining version of god I‘ve ever witnessed


I liked the idea of having a relaxed god that was actually just that what he outwardly showed - a chill dude that wants to take care of humans.