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Howdy guys,

Quick little news update / question. 

First: Does anyone care much about discord? I've got a server (and it should be linked to the patreon, but I'm not entirely sure I did it correctly) exclusively for my writing stuff, but I'm not sure if that's something that people actually care about. 

If you do care - please drop a message / like this post / let me know in some way, as I'm not gonna bother setting one up if it's not really of any interest. Also, if you happen to care, did Patreon give you the link to join? Thanks!

In other news, I'm planning a lot of writing for this weekend. I'm doing some big edits on the first book of Morcster Chef, including adding in a new scene. (You'll all get to see it - don't worry. It'll be patreon exclusive until the novel is finally published on amazon traditionally. 

Anways, it's pretty late, so I'm going to head to bed. I'm really looking forward to showing you all the magic and starting to toughen Damien up! The upcoming scenes in Morcster Chef are going to be really fun too - the sappy stuff is pretty much over. There's going to be a cooking scene (but not the one we're used to), followed by some good old fashioned adventuring.

See you all tomorrow!


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