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“Thank you, Captain,” Humbol said, bowing to Maya again. “Now, does our crew have a name?”

This time, all three of the original crew grimaced.

“Not yet,” Maya said, sighing. “We haven’t been able to figure out a good one.”

“In progress, then. I’m sure we’ll figure something out soon enough,” Humbol said, patting Maya on the shoulder.

Cyll moved between Maya and Humbol. He clapped the extravagant new crewmember on his shoulder, his grip just slightly too firm for comfort.

“The sea gate doesn’t open until tomorrow morning, correct?” Cyll asked.

“That’s correct. We’ll be able to sail out together with a fleet that’s passing through,” Humbol said.

“So, you’ve got some time to show us what you can really do. You’re welcome to a few secrets, but your powers don’t get to be one of them,” Cyll said. “We all know you threw the fight against me on purpose.”

Humbol’s eyebrows rose slightly. Then the man chuckled, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Of course you figured that out too. Why wouldn’t you? But…fair enough. It’s been a long time since I’ve worked with a living crew. I’ll show you my true abilities, but I’m afraid that they’re somewhat flashy. They would draw a lot of attention.”

“Can you avoid destroying the ship if we do it below deck?” Maya asked.

“If it is a demonstration and not a fight, then yes,” Humbol said.

That was enough for them, so all four headed below deck. Maya and Patty sat to the side on top of two barrels as Cyll and Humbol squared off in the center of the room. Humbol rolled his head, cracking his neck and giving a wide smile to his opponent. Cyll returned his own shark-toothed grin.

“We’re going to have a rematch once it’s safe,” Cyll informed the man with a predatory glint in his eyes. “I don’t enjoy getting played.”

Cyll pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side. He did the same with his pants, leaving only his underclothes on.

“I’ve ruined too many sets of clothes,” he explained when Humbol raised an eyebrow. “Try not to destroy my underwear. I only have two pairs of it.”

“I would be pleased to have a rematch, so long as you put your clothes back on when we do,” Humbol replied, grimacing. “You aren’t my type. But for now…a demonstration.”

Humbol lifted his hands into the air. His clothes snapped around him as a sourceless wind howled into existance around the man. Cyll narrowed his eyes and braced himself against the incoming attack.

The air around Humbol shuddered. The world surrounding him seemed to fracture, white blurry images of the man overlaying themselves around him, making him seem blurry and indistinct.

The man thrust his hands forward. White wind erupted forth, filling the room. It rushed past Maya and Patty, chilling their skin and making their hair stand on end. The four were no longer alone in the room.

Men of churning white wind were everywhere. It was difficult to make any details out as their features seemed to fade in and out of existance, but each one was clearly different. Humbol spun in a slow circle, his arms still extended, a huge smile splitting his face.

“Hello, boys. This is our new crew. Do you approve?”

The ghostly figures let out a soundless cheer.

“They want a demonstration of our abilities. That one over there can’t die, but we can’t destroy the ship – or his underwear. Understood?”

There was no response, but Humbol seemed satisfied. He lowered his hands and dropped into another bow, this time towards Cyll.

“Then, I shall put on my demonstration.”

Humbol disappeared, replaced by one of the ghostly apparitions. He slid back into existance behind Cyll, replacing the windy figure that had been behind the man. He thrust a white tinged blade towards the immortal pirate’s chest.

Cyll spun, knocking the strike out of the way with his forearm. Humbol disappeared, reforming behind his opponent once again. Then he repeated it. The extravagant pirate teleported circles around Cyll as his crew slowly grew closer to the man, surrounding him in a tight circle.

Humbol was nothing more than a blur, and Cyll was losing ground against him. It was impossible to predict where the ghostly man would attack from.

Cyll hurled himself through the crowd. The ghostly forms parted as he passed through them harmlessly. The immortal pirate bounced back to his feet and spun to face Humbol, but he wasn’t there.

Something tapped Cyll on the shoulder. He spun and came face to face with a shimmering white dagger just an inch away from his nose.

“Ah,” Cyll said. “That was decidedly unfun to fight against. Might have gone better if I actually had a weapon, though.”

The ghostly figures faded away, leaving them alone once again.

“That probably would have helped,” Humbol agreed. The white dagger in his hands faded away with the rest of the ghosts. “Although I doubt that would have killed you.”

“What do you think?” Maya whispered to Patty as Cyll continued light conversation with the crew’s newest member.

“It’s hard to tell,” Patty whispered back contemplatively. The puppet’s ability to demonstrate human emotions had grown considerably since Maya had first met her, and she was even capable of basic facial expressions at this point. “Cyll can’t die, but his offensive power is rather low. Humbol seemed very strong against him, but it might be different with an opponent that can hit back harder.”

“Good observation. I suppose we’ll find out in due time,” Maya said, turning back to listen to Cyll and Humbol’s conversation.

“So, what even is your ability?” Cyll asked. “I thought it was wind when we first fought, but that clearly isn’t the case.”

“It was wind, but that was before I died,” Humbol replied. “But the Master didn’t just revive me. My whole crew is here, too.”

Humbol nodded towards where some of the ghostly specters had been.

“Or at least their desires are. They help me fight, and we’ve got a few…tricks.”



So a ghost, doll and zombie walk into a bar