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Howdy all!

First, I'd like to thank you all for being my patrons. You guys are amazing. I've got some more good announcements for you. 

I have begun working on building up a backlog for you guys. My goal is to have patreon be about 10 chapters ahead of RoyalRoad. I plan to continue trying to increase the size of the backlog as well, but we'll stick with one goal for now. 

This means that you'll all be getting extra chapters early, although some tiers will get them earlier than others. The current plan is to be all up and running by the monday after next (the 22nd). I think this should only benefit you guys, but please let me know in the comments if there's anything you'd like changed/improved, or just if you have any suggestions you'd like to make!

Thanks again for being part of the crew. 


P.S. Is there any interest in PDF versions of the recipies within Morcster Chef? I've been focusing pretty hard on RoS recently, but the next chapter is underway, and there will be more recipies coming soon. 



Not reading Monster chef, so I dunno. I thank you for all and Ill let you know if I have a recommendation about anything. Gambatte with the new chaps, doing 10 extra chaps in 13 days will probably have its issues, but I wish you all the luck!


Thanks for the feedback! It’s currently the goal but if it seems unrealistic I’ll update you guys.