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Howdy all!

It's that time of year again! I'm flying from Australia (Was here on a work vacation) to Georgia tonight for dragoncon! If you're coming, swing by the Aethon booth so I can say hi!

This will unfortunately mean that my writing schedule will be absolutely COOKED for the next week (between the 27th, as I've got a 24 hour long flight including layovers, up until the 2nd). I will do my absolute best to do at least 1 chapter of writing a day during this time as well as writing as many chapters as possible on the flight, but unless I transcend human limits I fear I will not be able to do my normally scheduled 2 chapters per day.

I will try to alternate Runebound/Living Forge chapters day by day and do my best to keep up with schedules. 

Sorry in advance for this delay. I would like to say I'd be able to do 4k words a day during dragoncon, but I'm working the booth and I suspect I will have basically zero free time from morning until night.


Nicole Hicks

Burn yourself out for an unknown amount of time or not do any writing for the next week and change. No writing for an undetermined amount of time on one hand because of burnout or no writing for a known amount of time because it's planned. On

Nicole Hicks

Sorry! Stupid fingers!!! One hand or the other, hmmmm... I suggest taking the planned time off because of dragoncon with whatever you can write that doesn't stress your brain out so much you get brain burnout. In other words, there better not be no smoke comin' out of those ears!!


From someone who has successfully done NaNoWriMo a few times… doing 4K a day CONSISTENTLY is insane. Seriously, don’t burn yourself out. We can handle a few days/weeks of disappointment if it means more chapters overall. Optimize for you, not us. We are in it for the long haul 😀

Colby Rob

Have fun at dragoncon!