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[Corrupted Ashleaf Tree – Adept 3]

“Tree,” Arwin said.

“Demon tree,” Reya muttered.

“Hey,” Lillia said. “Generalization much?”

“Sorry,” Reya said sheepishly.

Lillia flashed the other woman a grin. “I’m just screwing with you. Definitely a Demon Tree. But who the hell makes a demon tree? Sounds like a stupid idea. It’s a bloody tree. It can’t move.”

“You think someone made it?” Olive asked.

“The Dungeon Heart isn’t going to go sticking itself into something, is it?” Lillia asked.

It was a good question. Arwin wasn’t sure what the answer was either. He was certain he’d probably come across Dungeon Hearts before in his life as the Champion, but he’d never really paid attention to any of the loot that they’d gotten from dungeons. His concern had been fighting and nothing more — the only bits of the dungeon rewards he’d bothered with looking at were the materials the crafters used when they’d made his armor.

“Dungeon Hearts don’t have a will of their own beyond survival,” Yonas provided. He’d poked his head out over everyone else’s heads to get a glimpse of the tree monster for himself. “They’re magical amplification devices born from excessive magical energy localized in a specific area, and the cause of that energy is usually death. Dying leaves behind a good bit of power.”

“I see why they pop up in dungeons,” Rodrick said. He watched the tree warily, but it hadn’t made any move.

From what Arwin could tell, the tree hadn’t noticed their intrusion. He doubted that would last once they entered the room.

Another pulsing thump echoed through the dungeon from the Dungeon Heart. Yonas’ features twisted in distaste and he shook his head.

“Be careful. Dungeon Hearts are easy to damage. Don’t destroy it, or you’ll waste all the effort you put into getting through the dungeon.”

“Not waste. We still have some materials we got from the monsters we killed,” Anna said. “And hard work is never wasted when it’s gone toward the right cause.”

Yonas sent her a withering glare. “I was referring to the actual purpose of this endeavor, ma’am.”

“Improving your attitude will drastically improve your outlook on life and let you handle troublesome situations better,” Anna advised.

“Where’d you hear that?” Olive asked, tilting her head to the side. “It sounds like a quote.”

“Does it? Thanks. I’ve been practicing healing.”

“What part of practicing healing involves spewing motivational quotes?” Yonas asked.

Anna clicked her tongue as she shook her head. “Healing is equal parts mind and body — right up until your body is bleeding out. Or poisoned. Or crushed. Or on fire. Then it’s mostly body. But the mind is important too.”

“I see,” Yonas said, drawing the word out. It did not, in fact, seem like he saw. The Dawnseeker guildsman scratched at the side of his neck. “I’m just not going to question this any further. I’d like to get this over with already, if it’s all the same to you.”

“Weren’t you hoping we’d take a bunch of time?” Reya asked, tilting her head to the side.

“A good merchant knows when to cut his losses,” Yonas said. “And I believe I’ve discovered a more optimal strategy that should enable me to earn my coin back in due time.”

  “What is it?” Olive asked.

The corners of the guildsman’s lips quirked up. “That would be sharing. I don’t offer financial advice for free.”

Arwin’s attention drifted back to the tree in the center of the room. His head tilted slightly to the side. The monster still hadn’t moved. The only sign of life in it was the constant thump of the heart within its trunk.

A monster that couldn’t move…

He had a bow that would make pretty short work of anything like that. Arwin wouldn’t claim he was the best shot, but the bow helped his targeting. He could blast the tree from where they stood now. There was a chance it had a way to defend itself, but it was still a free attack.

Using that free attack with Yonas here… I trust him more than I did a bit ago, but I don’t know if I want to reveal that extent of my strength.

Lillia noticed the pensive look in Arwin’s eyes. She shook her head slightly, then snapped her fingers to get everyone’s attention.

“No more delays,” Lillia said. “My strategy hasn’t changed. Be on the lookout for any ranged attacks or monsters hiding underground. Arwin, Rodrick, you’re up first. Make sure you keep that thing’s attention. Fight defensively but be up in its… trunk. Whatever a tree’s face is called. Don’t let it focus on anyone else.”

Arwin inclined his head. Lillia words were intentional. She didn’t want him hanging back and charging up a powerful bow shot while the others fought, and no matter how fun it might have been to see Yonas’ expression, they had no reason to blow their cover and reveal their strength in front of the man if they didn’t have to.

“On it,” Rodrick said. “You ready, Arwin?”

Arwin nodded. The two of them stepped into the room.

“Everyone else, move,” Lillia ordered. “Make sure you don’t get caught outside the room when the fight starts. The tree could seal off the exit and strand the ones inside without backup.”

Arwin’s focus honed in on the tree as he and Rodrick approached it. He could still hear Lillia behind him, but he couldn’t let his attention drift. This was an Adept level monster — even if it was a tree, it was the strongest enemy by pure numbers that he’d faced in a long time.

I’ve got no idea what kind of Achievements or Titles a tree could have gotten… but I can’t afford to underestimate this because it’s a big ass plant.

Arwin’s nose twitched. He could smell something in the air. It was faint, but distinct enough to make him take notice. A vaguely familiar scent, one that grew stronger with every step he took closer to the Ashleaf Tree. His brow furrowed as he tried to place it.

The bricks around the tree cracked.

Something slithered through the ground beneath them, moving out toward Arwin and Rodrick like a snake just beneath the surface. At the same instant, Arwin realized what the smell was.


Thick roots burst out from beneath the ground, their ends sharpened to jagged points. They shot out toward Arwin and Rodrick with the speed of a flitting hornet. Arwin brought his shield around, bracing himself against it.

A loud crash rang out as the root slammed into its surface, forcing him a step back. Rodrick dodged out of the way of the attack directed at him, then swept his sword through the root and carved it in two.

All around them, more roots pushed up from beneath the ground. They pressed out from the walls, twisting to cover the red brick, sealing over the exit just as Lillia had predicted. Arwin didn’t have time to check if everyone had made it inside.

More roots shot out for him and Rodrick, screaming through the air with blinding speed. Arwin slammed one out of the way with his shield. He crushed a second with Verdant Inferno. One drove into his chest and another into his leg, both screeching against his armor and leaving thin gouges in its surface.

Arwin brought Verdant Inferno down on the ground, crushing a growing patch of roots. Red sap bubbled out from their pulped remains as he lifted the hammer, and the scent of blood in the air grew stronger.

I can’t use the special ability of Wyrm’s Revenge yet. If I miss the block, I could mistakenly take myself out of the fight. I’ve got to figure out how this thing fights first, then wait for an opportunity to strike back while keeping its attention.

“I’m going closer!” Arwin yelled.

Rodrick carved another root down, but even more of them twisted up in his blind spot and tried to drive him in the back of his neck. Water swirled in the air behind Rodrick as his armor activated, slowing the attack for long enough for him to spin and slice through the woody growths.

“I’m behind you!” Rodrick yelled back, darting around another root and joining Arwin as they ran toward the tree.

More roots rose up before them, rising from the cracked red stone ground like twisting maggots.  

Blue energy slammed into the Ashleaf Tree, washing over every root in the room. The large monster froze in place for a brief instant. It was just long enough for Arwin and Rodrick to dash around the growths and toward the monster’s trunk, where the Dungeon Heart still beat.

The Ashleaf Tree snapped back into motion as Reya’s magic faded. The branches above them rustled and leaves ripped free, flashing down through the air around them like a hail of falling knives. Arwin lifted his shield over his head and the red projectiles rang off it with a series of loud clangs.

Rodrick was slightly less fortunate. The water that rose from his armor wasn’t enough to completely protect him. Several of the projectiles made it past his defenses and cut into his armor and across sections of exposed flesh.

Gentle white energy rolled over Rodrick, sealing the wounds shut even as the formed.

“Thanks, Anna!” Rodrick called.

“Focus on the fight!” Anna yelled back, which was remarkably good advice.

A branch whipped down from above, heading straight for Rodrick’s head. He moved to doge out of the way, but before he could, a shadow passed above him.

Olive landed on Rodrick’s shoulders with her sword raised above her. She didn’t even have to swing the weapon — the tree had swung its branch into her. Olive’s blade sliced clean through the wood and the branch crashed down harmlessly behind her and Rodrick.

  That’s a new trick.

“Thanks number two,” Rodrick said to Olive. A root swirled up from the ground and shot at her back. Rodrick’s blade flashed and cut the attack from the air, spilling red sap across his front. Olive gave him an appreciative nod.

“Arwin!” Lillia’s call cut through the room. “Split up and get closer! Get more of its attention. The tree struggles to focus more than one target at once, even though it can attack just about anywhere in the room! Rodrick, Olive, keep it occupied there!”

Arwin heeded Lillia’s orders. Verdant Inferno sang delight in his mind as he crushed another root that rose before him. Leaves pelted against his shield as he raised it overhead, failing to reach their mark, and he launched himself forward with [Scourge].

His feet slammed down into a rising nest of roots at the base of the Ashleaf Tree, crushing many of them with a wet, crunchy squelch. The Tree didn’t just take his attack. Woody growths drove into Arwin from every direction.

He didn’t even try blocking it. Arwin swung Verdant Inferno, pouring power into the weapon with [Scourge]. It slammed into the Ashleaf Tree’s trunk with a loud crack. Wood splintered and flew, even as roots carved across his armor and bit into any parts of exposed flesh it could find. [Indomitable Bulwark] prevented the attacks from doing any truly significant damage, but pain burned in Arwin’s legs as roots wormed into the soles of his feet and bit at the thin gaps between pieces of armor.

The damage he’d dealt to the Ashleaf Tree was more superficial than anything else. It was just a crack in the outside of its trunk — but it was a blow. And with Verdant Inferno, every single blow struck harder than the last.

Arwin reared back. His opponent was a tree. If it couldn’t kill him with leaves and it couldn’t stop him with roots, then it wasn’t like it could do anything to stop him from wailing on it until it shattered.

He swung the hammer.

A groaning creak filled the room, and Arwin’s eyes went wide as the huge trunk suddenly accelerated toward him, crashing down toward him — quite ironically — like a falling axe. The entire tree was moving to crush him like a bug.

Wood bindings slammed shut around Arwin’s legs, locking him in place.

He’d been baited.

There was no time to break free and dodge in time.

Arwin banished Verdant Inferno with a thought. Trading blows with the huge tree would only end with him getting flattened, [Indomitable Bulwark] or not. Instead, he grabbed his shield with both hands and lifted it over his head, bracing himself.

Shit. This is not how I wanted to do it — but if there’s ever been a telegraphed attack, it’s this one.

Power poured through his hands and into the shield. The carved Wyrm eyes on its surface ignited with black flame as the Cursed item roared to life.

Arwin activated [Revenging Strike].

Chapter 271

The Ashleaf Tree crashed down onto Arwin with the weight of a falling mountain. It slammed into the Wyrm’s Revenge, sending a wave of force tearing down Arwin’s body and through his feet into the ground.

It nearly crushed him. Even with [Indomitable Bulwark] and [Scourge], it took every scrap of power that Arwin had to remain standing. The tree was massive and, even if he ignored the fact that an enormous plant was trying to beat him to death with its own body, it was a giant tree. There was little surprise that it was heavy.

Arwin’s joints groaned and his knees shuddered. A shockwave rolled over him and out across the room from the force of the impact. Branches crunched and leaves rustled as the top of the tree smacked against the ground, raining razor-sharp blades all around him.

For a brief instant there was silence.

Then the roar of a Wyrm filled the air. All the power that had gathered in the Cursed item released. It ripped free from his shield’s mouth, spilling rolling black fire out like a raging river bursting free from behind a dam. The fire slammed into the Ashlock Tree with such intensity and force that it carved a path straight through the trunk.

Leaves crackled and withered in an instant. The trunk blackened and cracked from the intense heat and the tree jerked back, nearly ripping itself free of the ground in its haste to escape the attack.

Thick patches of dark flame clung to its surface like Greek Fire. The tree thrashed, and Arwin ducked behind his shield a moment before a thick branch slammed straight into him. Even though he blocked the blow, its force was enough to lift him off his feet and send him flying across the room.

He dismissed the Wyrm’s Revenge as he hit the ground in a roll. Roots scraped against his armor and caught on his flesh. Arwin slammed to a halt against a wall, the breath ripped from his lungs.

Healing light rolled over his body no more than a second later. Relief came with it. Arwin shoved himself upright, still blinking the stars from his eyes. Someone yelled out a warning. He couldn’t tell from where it had come, but he reacted without thinking.

The Wyrm’s Revenge re-materialized in his hands. He braced himself, lifting it above his head. A shadow passed overhead. An immense force slammed into him. More leaves tore across the ground, driving into it like spikes. Arwin staggered. His arms nearly buckled, but he managed to hold strong.

There was only so much that [Scourge] and [Indomitable Bulwark] could do. He was down by more than an entire Tier, and the gaps between tiers only rose as the ranks went up. There was no way he could handle keeping the huge monster’s attention completely on his own.

Fortunately, Arwin was not on his own.

The darkness receded as a flash of yellow light lit the room. Arwin lowered The Wyrm’s Revenge just in time to see golden energy envelop Rodrick. His sword glowed with magic as he unleashed a series of three powerful slashes into the tree’s trunk, each one leaving a deep furrow in it swake.

 The Ashleaf Tree shuddered in either pain or fury — Arwin couldn’t tell which. Roots twisted up for Rodrick. He bounded back, water swirling at his feet with every step. More roots rose in his path, but Rodrick spun toward Arwin and redirected in his direction. The former paladin was using [Flowing Steps], his armor’s ability that increased his movement toward his allies. But, instead of running to protect them, he was using it to reposition.   

Roots erupted in a cage around Rodrick, sending brick spraying up into the air. Shadows shot out at the same time, manifesting themselves into a bar above his head. Rodrick leapt, grabbing onto the bar, and swung himself out of the roots’ reach before they could close down on top of him.

Reya and Olive both dashed toward the Ashleaf Tree’s trunk. Arwin dismissed The Wyrm’s Revenge — the monster wasn’t targeting him at the moment — and resummoned Verdant Inferno as he broke into a run as well.

[Scourge] empowered his legs. He bounded across the roots, vaulting over them before they could reach him, and arrived at the trunk just moments before Reya and Olive did.

With a roar, Arwin swung his hammer. It slammed into the side of the tree’s trunk in the same spot he’d hit it before. Wood splintered and cracked, but the attack was no stronger than the last one he’d unleashed — Verdant Blaze only did increased damage when he attacked without blocking a blow.

Arwin reared back to swing the hammer a second time.

Olive reached the trunk first. Blue energy slammed into the tree as roots lifted from the ground and tried to bind around her. The monster locked in place and Olive’s sword crawled through the air toward its target.

Reya’s magic wore off.

Roots shot up — and Wyrmhunger met them. Reya cut the roots apart before they could reach Olive, her dagger thrumming with delight in her hands. Arwin could practically hear its song filling the air.

Verdant Blaze vibrated in Arwin’s grip. Its head slammed into the Ashleaf tree. Wood crunched, louder this time, and the ground beneath him shuddered. Roots lifted toward Olive, trying to stop her before her sword could connect with the trunk, but Arwin and Reya had bought her enough time.

Her blade met trunk.

Wood sliced apart like paper. Olive’s sword continued until it had traveled nearly halfway through the huge tree trunk, several feet above the Dungeon Heart. Fire crackled in its wake, licking at the wood as Olive’s enchanted weapon fought to find purchase on the Ashleaf Tree.

 Strands of shadow slithered across the ground. They wrapped around Olive and Reya, yanking them back an instant before two massive branches swung down like axes. They slammed into the ground where the girls had been a moment before with enough force to shatter the bricks.

One of them swept toward Arwin. He dropped to the ground, not willing to dismiss Verdant Blaze and sacrifice the two stacks of [Shieldbreaker]. The branch passed overhead, brushing so close that its ends rapped across Arwin’s helm and made his ears ring.

He rose back to his feet, pouring [Soul Flame] into Verdant Inferno. The hammer drank the power and hummed with brilliant blue fire as he swung it a third time, striking the same spot in the tree.

A third loud crunch echoed through the room. This time, the entire tree shuddered. Fire roared out from Verdant Inferno as Arwin ripped it free of the growing hole. Roots shot for him, but more blue light washed over the tree’s surface and bought him time to dodge out of the way.

He didn’t get a chance to swing the hammer again. Reya’s magic faded and another branch crashed down for him. Arwin dismissed Verdant Inferno. He drove a hand into his pocket and ripped free a bracelet, slamming it into his mouth and biting down.

Power poured down his throat and flooded through his body.

Chitinous Band: Rare Quality

[Chitinskin]: Activating this item will turn its wearer’s body to chitin and greatly reduce their range of movement at the continuous cost of magical energy.

Arwin’s skin turned glossy and gray. He raised his hands above his head. The branch slammed into him, but the extra resistance the item pumped his body full of kept the impact from doing much more than momentarily shaking him.

He dug the claws on his right gauntlet into the branch, activating their ability, [Reave]. Energy crackled at their fingertips as he raked them along the wood, stealing a small amount of power from the tree. It wasn’t much given the difference in their level, but every single scrap counted.

The floor bucked in fury.

Roots shot up from beneath destroyed brick. Another branch plummeted from above, glistening with bladed leaves in search of blood. Its shadow passed over Arwin.

Rodrick arrived beside him, driving a foot into the ground with such force that the dead roots at his feet crunched and shattered. He leapt into the air with a roar, driving his shoulder into the branch and knocking its path askew.

Shadows bore Reya and Olive to Arwin’s side and their weapons ripped the roots to shreds before they could reach him.

The magic from the bracelet Arwin ate faded, but even as it did, he shoved a second one into his mouth and bit down.

[Rough Band]: Rare Quality

[Roughhousing]: This item is imbued with the anticipation of old metal that seeks to perform one last time. Every attack made while it is worn will do increased damage at the cost of considerable magical energy.  

Power drove into Arwin’s chest like a runaway horse. His stomach clenched, his muscles stiffened. He ground his teeth as he reared back, drawing every single scrap of energy he had in his body.

With a thought, Arwin summoned Verdant Inferno back to his hands. He activated his gauntlets, sending their power into the hammer. [Soul Flame] joined it, re-igniting the hammer’s head with molten fire. The air around him hummed with power.

Then, with a snarl, Arwin swung the hammer.

It streaked through the air like a blue comet. Slammed into the side of the tree, in the exact same spot that the last few strikes had hit it.

There was an earsplitting explosion. Wood vaporized within the sea of fire that burst from Verdant Blaze’s head, tearing into the Ashleaf Tree like a blade. Branches at the top of the tree snapped and spun free. The roots holding it to the ground screamed and creaked as they tried to resist the force of the hammer blow.  

Then they snapped.

The Ashleaf Tree tore free of its base. It pitched back, suspended in the air for a brief moment before it hit the ground with a resounding crash. The floor bucked beneath Arwin’s feet and Olive stumbled, driving her sword into a stray root bunch to keep herself from falling.

Dust swirled into the air. Then there was silence, only broken by the heavy breathing of the Menagerie.

Arwin slowly lowered his hammer. He dismissed his gauntlet and helm, wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist, swallowed, and re-summoned it once more.

“Is… it dead?” Reya asked, holding Wyrmhunger before her and shifting her weight from foot to foot.

“No energy yet,” Olive warned. “Be careful.”

Lillia walked up beside them, shadows twisting at her side and rising up behind her. Rodrick stood beside her, his eyes darting in search of anything that might try a sneak attack.

A thump echoed through the room as the Dungeon Heart pulsed, still embedded in the top half of the tree. Arwin glanced in its direction.

“Is it going to revive?” Arwin asked warily.

Lillia stuck her hand into Arwin’s travel bag. She rooted around in it, then pulled out the carefully wrapped potion that Esmerelda had given him. The glass must have been special, because it wasn’t so much as scratched from the fight.

Without a word, Lillia popped the cork off the potion and poured it onto the tree stump.

They all stared at it.

“What do you think the chances are that was actually a healing potion?” Olive asked as she fought to catch her breath.

Anna walked up alongside her. “I have to admit that would be a funny joke.”

“It would be,” Olive agreed.

“We have different ideas of jokes,” Reya said.

A wet, squelching whimper rose up from somewhere deep within the roots. Sickly red lines appeared in the stump, winding their way throughout it. Wherever they touched, the tree withered and softened.

It only took seconds for the red to work its way through the rest of the stump. By the time it was done, the entire thing had turned into a wet pile of mushy red and black slag. The Menagerie stared down at what remained of the tree.

I almost feel bad for the tree. This just feels disrespectful. Like pissing on a grave.

“I don’t think it was a healing potion,” Olive said.

“Thank you, Olive,” Reya said through a snicker. “Very astute.”

The Mesh seemed to agree.

Everyone other than Arwin and Lillia stiffened and drew in sharp breaths. At the same time, Golden letters shimmered through the air before Arwin.

The Ashleaf Tree was dead.

All that remained was to collect whatever rewards the Mesh saw fit to give them for their efforts.


Colin Blair

There is an orphaned Ashlock left in the text. Really needs a squirrel.


“He moved to doge out of the way, but before he could, a shadow passed above him.” -> Doge coin is no more 😔 this should be dodge! Split up and get closer! Get more of its attention. The tree struggles to focus more than one target at once, -> focus on more than each one leaving a deep furrow in it swake. -> its wake LOOT CLIFF INTO THE WEEKEND! Oh how you tease! Hahah great chapter thank you! Can’t wait to see what rewards they get 👏


Imagine they offer to wait to leave for a cut of the bet's winnings


Thanks for the chapter. "[Revenging Strike]" -> "[Avenging Strike]" (to be consistent with chapter 257.


Man the cliffs are steep in this novel.