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Howdy all!

Starting from next weekend, I'm going to be slightly lowering both Runebound & Rise of the Living Forge to 5 chapters a week, Monday - Friday.

I debated for a really long time if I wanted to do this because I start losing my mind when I'm not writing, but I've been doing daily chapters for 2 web serials without a break for quite some time and I don't want to risk burnout.

I don't think I've actually taken a break or a normal day off other than when I've been sick in the last few years, and while I think I've been able to generally keep my quality at a level where I'm happy with it, I don't want to let either of the series start to slide. Taking weekends will hopefully go a really long way in giving me more breathing room and reducing some of the stress on my shoulders.

I'm also working on a number of other things, including comics for multiple of my series and some for other authors that I can't share too much info on yet, but I've got a lot of content I really want to share with you all in the near future.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.



Does that mean we get gleam again?

David Bordelon

Only 10 chapters a week (When many others just give 1)? Get the torches and pitchforks!


Please no cliffhangers on the Fridays 🥺


This is overdue, man didn’t even want to take a day off after escaping hospital that one time

Marian Ch

Frankly the fact that you kept this schedule up for any amount of time is astounding. Take it easier man, don't get burned out.

Maria Wolters

Balance is really important, especially if you are also juggling grad school! Personally, I would be OK with reduced chapter frequency when you have school deadlines as well