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Hi guys! For anyone in the $5 tier, could you let me know what the latest chapter of Runebound is for you? Patreon has been so kind as to remove my ability to bloody search by tier, so I now have absolutely no idea where the tier is...

I love patreon I love patreon I love patreon I love patreon



466 if I go to it via "Collections"


468 if I access it though "Home"

Chad L.

Check out Patreon author Erik Dontigney, author of Unintended cultivator. His TOC / welcome post is the best organized multi tier chapter access landing page I have seen. It would be lots of work to link your hundreds of past chapters, but not so bad to start using something similar going forward. That does not solve the issue of correct chapter visibility for each tier though. Not sure what to do about that. In the 5 dollar tier I still see some chapters I don’t expect, and miss some I do. They show up eventually though.

Chad L.

176 and 442, with a number of non contiguous later chapters


Access is messed up for the lowest tier. 171 of living forge is on royal road. On Patreon I can access 170, 176, 182, 188.