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Good morning everyone. This is mostly a copy pasta of the announcement made on February 28th in the Discord that we’re cross posting here because it is still happening. So if you’ve read this on Discord and actually paid attention to what was said, you can ignore this. :3 Otherwise, read on. This is a final warning.

During the month of February we noticed that quite a few people were joining one of our $10 tiers and then swapping back and forth between the $10 tiers to grab rewards while not paying the extra money per tier. How? Because Patreon's tier system doesn't charge for a tier swap if the tier cost is the same.

Then why don’t you just change the prices of your tiers a little? Still doesn’t work. Because if someone swaps their tier it will only charge them the difference of the tier they are swapping, not the whole price. Not to mention if they sub to say, a $10.50 and swap to a $10.00 tier, there’s still no charge.

Unfortunately this is something that we cannot fix unless we change around all of tiers, which we are not looking to do. The way the tiers are is a fair system for us and for the Patrons, since we as a team do offer a lot of releases a month.

During the month of February we just sucked it up and dealt with the swapping, but as we go into March please note these three things...

1. We do see you working the system.
2. Moving forward if you do try and work the system and swap tiers ($10 tier to $10 tiers only), you will be banned without warning. We have been very generous thus far sending people messages on Patreon stating that this is something that cannot be done and that if they want passwords for both they need to upgrade. Going forward, this will not happen. You do it, you’re gone.
3. If you ask someone else for the passwords to a tier you’ve switched to because you didn’t receive passwords (because again, we see you), then you and the person who shared the passwords will be removed.

That may seem harsh, but at the same we are putting in a lot of time and effort into our releases for everyone, and that's not fair to us. Not to mention this is the second time the announcement has been made and people are still doing it. 

Thank you, and please enjoy the rest of your day! ♥



Ok, so what if you decide that you don't like the current tier you are in, and feel it doesn't have the kind of rewards you want, and liked the rewards in another tier? How do you switch to another $10 tier without pissing you guys off? Since patreon doesn't charge. Say id be willing to pay that $10 for the other tier, plus you may not want the other 3rd one (for $25 upgrade). In all honestly I think this tier system is flawed and will only function on simps who can pay $25. The $10 are so not user friendly what's so ever. If you want things limited, why not just release all mods for $10, but delete them after one month, but $25 are able to see them forever. Then you can do this special event thing like they do in gachas, and bring back an item again for a short time for people to get it. That will encourage long term patrons. This is because you release - for example hair in all tiers, but I am mainly interested in hair. But the hair I like are in another tier? Therefore this system is made to force you to pay $25 so you get everything. But if you god forbit chose the wrong tier, you are fucked as well, and cant even move cause you will get banned.


I edited it a lot and gave some ideas for you to think about~


Thank you for your patronage and feedback. We can see you have a few concerns with the current model, so we'd like to clarify these for you. 1. Upgrading to Lookbook. If you upgrade from a $10 tier to Lookbook, you will only be charged the difference ($15) for a total of $25 that month. You will receive access to all three tiers, plus a bonus item at a discounted rate. 2. If you are only interested in two of the tiers that month, we encourage you to communicate with us prior to changing your subscription, so we can make arrangements to accommodate. As you can set a custom amount for a pledge, we are open to coordinating this. 3. While we understand that some people are interested in hair only or clothes only, each creator has their own aesthetic vision and produces their mods based on that. Therefore, the releases will mixed in each tier, which is made available for preview in the discord. We have no plans to mix our aesthetics by category (hair, clothes, ect). 4. We certainly did not build our model with the intention to cater to any one tier, but we understand that $25 is a substantial pledge and thus wanted to ensure that we made it worth it. Even each $10 tier offers multiple releases in a month, so we have no intention to change this model as of right now.


I know this is likely a dead post, but I got hooked on a sweeter mod from Vermillion, Decided to join the lookbook since I liked Arabella's stuff too and It is well worth the price, but It's not something I know I can keep up. Is there any hope / plans to request a basic supporter tier around $3~ 6?