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Some of the Best performances so far on the show! SOOOO excited for the next episode to see how they make Seventeen songs their own! Hope you enjoy! 🤍


&AUDITION - The Howling - Episode3

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Sujayanti Pirono

Thank you so much for uploading this today, Caitlin. It's Lunar New Year today, but because of I'm studying abroad I have no friends and family to celebrate it with me. By watching my fave reactor and my fave boys feels like I'm celebrating with you guys. I'm really happy now!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!


I love reqatching this with. Each round is harder then the last. Just wait and see what's after the seventeen round.


Thank you caitlin, it always worth watching this show again with you. Can't wait for the collab reaction with anthony. <3


Thanks for the episodes!


Love this episode. The next one is a lot of fun too. They get to play games and hang out together. One of my favorite episodes. You don’t need to worry about eliminations on this show Caitlin. No one is eliminated until the Finale! It is hard seeing them cry sometimes through the journey but honestly it makes me love them even more to see how genuine they all are through the process.

leane bey

thank you for reacting to this show, i already saw it like 5 times, but i feel like this is the best survival show i saw, like the judges and the fact that there is more teamwork than competition which i so nice to see. the next ep is my fav so i hope youll enjoy it as much as i do!


These performances were good, there were no major let down. Besides Taki's, team the vocals are still weak, and some people looked awkward. Nicholus did a good job collecting himself, from the rehearsal mistakes so did his mates, I think they were only just wobbly on the vocals. K really did carry his team, and it was kind of sad. But I have to say, that shorter kid was stable vocally, but him and jo looked awkward. Jo's he's my bias/wreaker so I pay Attention to him a lot and I couldn't help but noticed how weak his presence was. He has really good stage presence and good expressions now, So I'm looking forward to see when he approved. The last team was the best and the only one that felt complete to me. It was giving 3rd to final round. I disagree also, Taki lead the team well, Maki, and I think Harua, vocals killed. And Maki really showed his vocals this round, and I know he's only going to become better so I'm excited for that. This really makes me wonder how the elimination processed worked, because in my opinion I think some people are doing better then some members that did make it to the final like Gaku and Jeongwon? (for example) Or Junwoo (sorry I'm in too much of a hurry to verify names). Because things happen all the time. Did people just leave? Also, did something happen in I-land with Taki's vocals. I didn't finish it after all. I stopped at like episode 7, 8, or 9. The difference is really huge, and I really need to know what techniques he used. Lastly, What makes seventeen think they could just come and takeover the show like that(sarcasm) this will be fun!!! Thank you!