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YOOOO....I feel like this wrapped up really well! I hope we get a 2nd season but idk 😭 - Anyways thank you for watching with me and hope you enjoyed! 🤍




ahh glad u enjoyed it!! fingers crossed on season 2, i remember some mentions abt how they were lightly messing around with season 2 ideas even before the show started airing, and the cast keeps making non-serious comments about characters and casting they'd love to see in the future :') everyone's hope is making me hopeful


Enjoyed watching this so much with you!! I also read and loved the books in middle school and actually just reread them at the end of the year and finally read the spin off series Heroes of Olympus which was fantastic! I had so much fun with the reread though and I think if you decide to do a reread that at a certain point you just have to keep the books and the show kinda separate so that you're not constantly comparing them like you mentioned. I really struggled with comparing the two at first but then I just went into the show more open minded and went with the flow of the changes and I still really enjoyed it! I just love the world of PJ so much and it was amazing to see it brought to life like this 🥹

Lauren Hix

it got renewed for season 2 today!! 😊

Ani Umar

our wishes came true...2nd season is coming!!!


I'm really late to the thing but like i gotta say the acting in this series is phenomenal Walker as Percy is amazing. He, such a young boy is better than a lot of adult actors out there . I didn't read the books but this series made me want to read them so will be doing that. I'm really excited for season 2