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Hey guys.

I got a call today from the police and my landlord that my office was broken into. Unfortunately my cameras and lenses are gone. I think that’s the only thing that they took but still assessing the damage as we speak. I didn’t take pictures of everything cause I was a mess but these are just old ones when I got the place so you have an idea of what it looked like.

My door is completely broken so I had to take anything that had value out of there and load it into the car as it’s no longer safe. I’m on a month to month lease so I’ll be moving out of the office in the next 3 days since I no longer feel safe using the space.

I’m kinda just in shock….not really sure how to feel. I’m just glad I wasn’t there when it was happening cause I’ve been talking about going back in now that the weather has been better.

The good news is that I have a set up at home so I can keep recording reactions as normal but I just wanted to say that the next like 3 days or so might be a bit slow cause I’m dealing with the police and trying to move the rest of my stuff out of there completely.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. So sorry.

I do have some videos pre-recorded already so hope you enjoy those! 🤍




So sorry this happened!!! Gah! Hope you find the time to process things and get back mentally as this blows. Most thankful you're safe!! That's the best possible outcome out of this. Stay safe, Caitlin!!

crusty toes



glad you weren’t there when it happened 😭 hoping you can take time for yourself to process and take care of yourself, that’s a lot to go through. thankful you are safe, please take as much time as you need to do what you gotta do! 💜


Oh I obviously cannot read. Lmao i did not see the date this was posted 😭 patreon notified me about this post so i just went to look 😭 anyways I hope you are doing better since then, even if just a bit! 💜💜💜

Luna Addy

I'm glad you're okay. Take care of yourself. 💙


Thank god you weren’t in there , take of yourself hon and everything they stole you can have it back don’t be sad for it , it all will be good💗💗💗


I'm glad you weren't there


Omg girl 😐😐 hope you’re okay 💓