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&audition ep 2

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Yes Sakura and soma can be tough but they are both also very caring. Especially Sakura. Like during the performance she smiled some. Also she even cries later.

Sujayanti Pirono

Waiting for this reaction!!! Thank u so so muuuuccchhh <3


Yesss I absolutely love this episode! All of the performances are good in this round but this one is my favorite I think because they brought so much energy to the stage and I can't help but enjoy it with them. And yesss! This was the episode for me where I first noticed EJ's potential to be the leader of the group. And where he first started to move up to becoming my bias haha


I remember seeing this show when it released and I was stressed with them. Like how can You say that there is a posibility of not debuting to a debut group...as you said it might be for drama but it def didn't help the trainees. EJ really showed his potential as a leader in this ep and he did so well. I really cannot see them stressed like that bc it breaks my heart. I didn’t really agrred with what the judges said during the show bc no one can be perfect but they expected them to be like robots. At the same time I understand that they had be strict and make them motivated but i don’t think that saying that everything they do is wrong would really do that. it would be cool if they did criticise them in a more kind way? and said for example "something was wrong here and you should work on that a little more/ pay attention to this as it needs a little more work" etc. I really am excited to watch the next eps with you. Thank you always Caitlin!


I remember after the show ended and everyone was thinking Fuma was gonna be leader. But then they made several posts in which they tricked us into thinking Harua was leader.


Also in my opinion I do think it is necessary to be strict on the trainees, and some people might not really understand but that kind of thing is the culture of a lot of these things in Asia. It might be hard to watch sometimes, but I genuinely think they can take it because of the environment all of them have probably grew up in. Just my opinion, just cuz I saw some stuff in the chat I didn't agree with lol I hope that's ok :). Also for sure the editing is making things a lot more dramatic and mean then they are supposed to come out too. I can understand when people say they should be nicer and stuff because they sometimes can be harsh but again I feel like the culture is so different from a lot of ours (especially a lot of western culture).


That’s why I jumped in. I think being hard on them isn’t bad but there was a few things I disagreed with that some of the judges were saying but obviously they’re working professionals that know more than me lmao so my thoughts don’t really matter.


Oh I think its fine to disagree with what some of them were saying! I was just explaining why a lot of mentors are kind of like this in shows like these :). Its a lot like tough love if I can compare to that. Thank for reacting to this show I cant wait for the next episode


I gotta remember that too sometimes! They truly do have their best interests in mind haha I’m honestly just way too sensitive 🤣😭


Haha I get it. Sometimes I do think it can go too far with certain comments but I think with this show in particular they do a good job with it 👍🏼


I think with survival competition shows like this they are so harsh on them because they want them to look debut-ready. It does feel reeeally harsh a majority of the time but I try to remember that they are trying to push them to be their best so they can debut. At least that's how I view it after watching so many of these shows lol. Also, I totally think the possibility of them not debuting thing was just to make it feel more dramatic and important that they do well.


Also at the time I didn't think they would be airing the show if they couldn't fill it because there would have been a lot of backlash from that.


My fave performances are from the final round <3


tbh, those harsh comments from producers/mentor is whats makes them one of the most synced group other than svt. cant wait for the 3rd episode <3


Thank you for your reaction :) its always fun watching these with you