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Hey guys! Just wanted to say happy holidays! Or if you don’t celebrate Christmas…HAPPY DAY! haha I’m just with my family all day and tomorrow but wanted to say that I hope your day is filled with love and joy. I know it’s not easy during the holidays for some. I wish I could have all of y’all over my house so i can hug and thank you face to face haha

Appreciate you guys and wishing for the best new year for everyone.

The daily drops have been low lately cause this month has been pretty busy for me. I’ve been really exhausted too so I’ve been barely sleeping. I have one video dropping tomorrow but it’s like a small one. I won’t be able to film until like the 26th so I’ll do what I can then. Thank you all for your grace and understanding.

Anyways! Love y’all! See you soon! Thank you for everything! 💕


Zippy Wafflebuns

Merry Christmas! Thanks for a great year! I've discovered some great new music thanks to your videos. Best wishes for the new year!

Karen Calandria

Merry Christmas. Please know that your exo reactions is the greatest gift since the day I followed you. It really helped me through hardships. Thank you and we love you.