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Hey guys! Youtube decided to block this video after many months of it being up....YEAH but anyways thought I would upload it here since I had it backed up. 

Hope you enjoy! 🤍 

Missing Kai :( 




Why is YouTube LIKE THIS


Caitlin thank youuu. But could u please upload nct dream Candy album first listen to the patreon if you don’t mind? Thank youuu


That album is lost forever lol YouTube took it down for whatever reason and I had it backed up but my hard drive broke on me so I don’t have the file anymore unfortunately.

nelli 💌

i sent the link for rtk in your direct messages on here! i commented it too but i guess it got deleted so here it is again.. https://mega.nz/folder/PCoSGIKC#TrlprsDM4S2j3PQjKIt7OQ i still recommend watching the performances on youtube though! also ep 3 takes a while to load but if it takes too long just download the ep in mega and you should be good :) lmk if you have any questions about it!

Cory Tripp

Oooh I'm always down for Kai!

Chansamone O'Meara

If anyone belongs on the stage, it’s Kai.


Hi I haven’t had the chance to look at it. Your message is still there and hasn’t been deleted. I appreciate the help! I’m not wanting to look up the performances on YouTube cause I feel like it breaks the flow so I’m not sure what to do 🤣 - I’ve been trying to brain storm ideas. Not sure at the moment. Appreciate the effort to help tho!

nelli 💌

ofc! do what’s easier and better for you :) looking forward to you watching it if you decide to continue it!

Aayushi Joshi

Are you planning to listen to exo winter album like last year? It was fun. Hope you have time to do it this year. No pressure though! Love your reactions.

Katie Ahn

Our baby bear is amazing 🩵🩵🩵

Katie Ahn

He is a just Art