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*I still plan on watching Road to kingdom but I ran into issues so bare with me on that* 

YAY! we're finally starting this show and I'm so excited! 🤍




O M G, I never expected this at all 🤯, thank u Cait!!!🤍🤍🤍


Girl!!! You finna make me cry you don’t know how much I love &team and I’m excited for you to see the journey !!!


This was the first survival show I ever watched. I’m so excited for you to watch it


Hayate was my boy. I don’t wanna spoil anything but he’s a great all rounder. He can do everything and he gorgeous.

nea r (edited)

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2023-12-24 03:18:44 Yayy happy to rewatch this one with you since I never got to finish it myself! When I saw that my favorite participant was not debuting I just couldn't keep watching but maybe now I've took my sweet time and I'm ready lol
2023-12-12 14:12:33 Yayy happy to rewatch this one with you since I never got to finish it myself! When I saw that my favorite participant was not debuting I just couldn't keep watching but maybe now I've took my sweet time and I'm ready lol

Yayy happy to rewatch this one with you since I never got to finish it myself! When I saw that my favorite participant was not debuting I just couldn't keep watching but maybe now I've took my sweet time and I'm ready lol


Minhyung was a backup dancer for bts during the 2021 muster


been WAITING for thissss❣️


EJ is the leader of &Team hes also my bias I love him hes so cute and sweet and you don't have to pronounce his name like Eui Ju its a little hard even for me lol his members also call him Juju (which is also my nickname lmao)


What I don’t get is Euijoo is his actual name so I don’t know why they don’t just spell it out entirely.


About filling up the ring. Everyone was pretty sure that was just for drama and what not. Everyone was like theirs no way hybe would spend all this money and all this time and this much publicity to end up with nothing.


Now you probably noticed but when they were all getting revealed and putting on their name tags one was blurred out. Well there was a 16th his name was Keita. Theirs some scenes in which he can be spotted which means stuff did get reshot.



Clarizza Arucan (edited)

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2023-12-24 03:18:44 I'm happy that you decided to record your reaction to the show. I watched both I-Land and &Audition and I'm happy that I watched the shows just cause it allowed me to care more about each member of the groups. Looking forward to watching the rest of the series with you!!!
2023-12-12 19:01:19 I'm happy that you decided to record your reaction to the show. I watched both I-Land and &Audition and I'm happy that I watched the shows just cause it allowed me to care more about each member of the groups. Looking forward to watching the rest of the series with you!!!

I'm happy that you decided to record your reaction to the show. I watched both I-Land and &Audition and I'm happy that I watched the shows just cause it allowed me to care more about each member of the groups. Looking forward to watching the rest of the series with you!!!

Ingrid Silva

OMG Cait!!! love you


Thank you so much for this reaction. They do bring another Hybe mentor for one of the episodes so you will happy to see


i cant believe matthew was supposed to be on this show like i cant even imagine it now LMFAO


It's so weird cause this is my first time watching this, and I already know the members that made it, they were such babies and are so much more grown up now. I would have never watched this, but since you're watching it Caitlin, I might as well join in. I already see people that I would have really rooted for who didn't make it. So I at least won't have my hopes up for the members much lol. Makes it less of an emotional ride, but I'm excited to see how they all grow. And this might also help me find out What the Heck Happened To Taki, He's not the same kid from iland!!


This was the first first one of these shows I ever watched. I didn’t imagine I would get as attached as much as I did. I don’t wanna spoil anything but theirs an episode coming up that will make you cry because everyone did.


I watched this as it was airing and voted and everything and I bawled at the end when my 2 top picks didn't make it. I was freaking devastated. But now they are going to debut in another group (24Kumi) so I'm happy now.


Best decision!!!!!!


I just found out you're watching this! I'm so excited!! So to explain if you haven't watched the 2nd episode already: There are 4 rounds in total that they have to do. They have to fill up the ring with the marbles they get from each of these rounds. If they fill up the ring by the end of the 4th round, then they can move on to the finale. If they don't, the debut is canceled. Obviously you know the results haha but yeah it was pretty nerve-wracking watching this. I was lucky enough to watch it LIVE and me and my friends would always say that if they actually didn't debut we would fly over to HYBE and riot. At the time I was pretty sure that they wouldn't waste everything they put into them and cancel, but I did hear about what happened to another group that was supposed to debut so part of me wonders if it was actually true. This show is definitely a different vibe from ILand but I really like the format as it focuses more on teamwork than it does the competition aspect. I hope you enjoy 😊


EP 2 Please

Natalie Hayes

So glad you got to start the series! The boys all worked so hard, and seeing them predebut really gives a good look on how committed they were to their group. You're going to fall in love with all of them, even the ones who didn't make to final selection.


as i'm starting to get into them this came at the PERFECT time! so you know i will be joining this, so excited!