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Hey guys! I decided To react to some of NCT's SMCU & NCT Nation stages. If something is not in here that's fine! I'll just watch it on my own. Hope you enjoy! Sorry about the audio in most of the videos! I have no idea what happened....but it does get better towards the end mark of the Video. 

2:45 NCT 127 (SMCU JAKARTA) 


47:31 ZOO STAGE 

51:05 WAYV (SMCU JAKARTA) *Audio is fixed from this point on* 

1:05:05 NCT 127 - Chain (NCT NATION TOKYO) 

1:09:29 NCT DREAM - Best Friend Ever (NCT NATION TOKYO) 







the new team actually had a pre-release with hands up and another song, we go! it’s on spotify 😊 they’re coming out with an mv for hands up too but not entirely sure when it’s coming out


Oh, I didn't know that Jungmin won't be a part of the NCT New team... I knew he had some health issues, which is why he's been missing out on concert activities, but I had no idea it was so serious that he'd have to step away from his debut altogether. It's really sad, and I hope he recovers and debuts in another SM group. Although considering that SM has already debuted RIIZE, I don't want him to wait for too long... Well, maybe another company will snatch him up. Such talent shouldn't go to waste. But I'm really excited to see this unit on stage, I can't wait for their official debut. The performance is very energetic, and they already look quite professional to me here. I agree that Daeyoung deserves more screen time; I literally didn't see any close-ups of him when he was singing his parts, it's almost like it was intentional - I hope not. Thank you for your reaction, Caitlin! I was curious to hear your thoughts on these performances. I wish I could attend the NCT Nation concert, but I'm glad I can at least watch it like this


Yay! I love your NCT content. I highly recommend the introduction video on YouTube that introduces the New team. They released it after the show finished airing and it is so cute. 🥹


hi~ idk if you know this blibli.tv website, you can watch concerts there it's like youtube basically but there's a lot of contents like concert and movies that blocked on yt. this one is smtown in Jakarta for example https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/4788632794438144?bstar_from=bstar-web.homepage.recommend.all you can search for other concerts there..^^


Yes I did know that but idk why…when I try to watch videos on that website it says that the video is not available in my country so I don’t usually watch full concerts from there. I also don’t have time to watch the full show anyway lol


Yes I was already going to react to that. I think I mentioned that before but I can’t remember lol but yeah I just wanted to check out this performance of the new song :)


I filmed this a while ago but I did see that they did put them on Spotify! I’m excited for what they do next!


here's a copy of the full smcu jakarta if you still need it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QOHKd0T-IUZg4zAoG-L9NtCapWdcBJqy/view?usp=drivesdk

Mae Q

The babies in the new team are so damn cute! I wish nothing but good things for them! Apparently they've already started their pre-debut showcase tour in Japan and response has been so good! I love that SM is making them do that tour because it helps them get used to performing before they actually debut, similar to how most of NCT started off with the SM Rookies showcase tour years ago. The new babies are building their own fanbase, and apparently a chunk of them aren't even fans of the main NCT group, just fans of the boys from Lastart. So whether Czennie haters like it or not, the new babies are surely off to great things. And Doyoung seems ready to cut any bitch who dares to slander his new babies!

• JustJen •

2 Baddies was so hype! They had so much fun, brought so much energy, and left it all on the stage! You could really tell! But Chain, though! Man! There's a reason 127 is my absolute favorite! What an incredible performance! Yes, please more Taeyong fast and furious rap! And also a thank you to Taeyong once again for making this Zoo performance happen! It's now an iconic SM stage!


the messed up audio was actually satisfying in a way because of all those harmonies like OOF


As the sm stan, I'm so glad to know that nct new team and Riize are friends, they spent some trainee period together especially Sion and Wonbin, yushi and Anton, and even Shotaro they once appear on pinkblood tiktok for their dance content. I hope you'll be glad to know this too Caitlin 😉


Btw, NCT NEW TEAM also performed Hands Up with Jungmin - the first and last stage we got from OT7 🥺 you can also watch this one when you have time. They all did great! I'm so proud of them 👏💚


i don't if you noticed it but jungwoo and johnny will flirt with each other in lemonade stages a lot

Ani Umar

Actually Johnny been flirting a lot with Jw even in the latest concert...the Unity...cos they hv lines together...but its real cute!!