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Hey loves!

Itā€™s a new month! Iā€™ve been in a bit of slump but I seem to be feeling better recently. just want to remind you all that there is no ā€œscheduleā€ for this month because iā€™m trying to take that pressure off of me BUT Iā€™ve put together a plan for myself and Iā€™m gonna try to put it in action. The hope is to be a bit more consistent and finish things more efficiently.

I have made a list of things I want to watch as well as existing shows Iā€™m already watching so most likely if youā€™re going to ask me about itā€¦I know already and I plan on getting to it.

Iā€™ve also seen some comments about some older links not working so Iā€™ll be taking a look into that. please be patient cause it takes work to get those back up and running.

Anyways Iā€™m excited for the next month and Iā€™m holding for a peaceful and refreshing one! My friend is getting married and I see Enhypen in concert. So excited for those haha

See yā€™all soon! Thank you for your support!




Congratulations to your friendsšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Please check messages:)

Lea Dan

See you next month and have an amazing month and congratulations for your friends wedding ā¤ļø

bryan salazar

iā€™m going to enhypen concert too im so excited!!


Hii Caitlin, sending love to you - prioritise taking care of and loving yourself! I havenā€™t caught up with your latest contents eitherā€¦ šŸ«£ is it just me or thereā€™s just too many releases this year?! esp. second half!

Giada Mattiucci

Yeees, so excited to watch business proposal with you. Take your time <3


Thank you for your hard work! Please take care, no pressure and have lots of fun and enjoy. Alsoā€¦ just make sure to brace yourself before you watch StrayKids new ā€prologueā€ trailerā€¦ just warning you. Have a fun month!

Kristalyn Ogdoc

Have fun at the concert and wedding! Stay safe, hydrated and donā€™t forget to let loose! You earned yourself a good break after all the work youā€™ve been putting yourself through like school and YouTube. šŸ’œ