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I almost cried 3 times watching this episode and I knew the next one is going to hit me emotionally LMAO ughhhh this is so hard to watch but also it's so amazing to see their journey!

Hope you guys enjoy this one! 🧡




Here for this! Hope you had a great time in LA! Would you be interested in coming out for HITC LA in August? The girls need to be seen live. Went to NY to see them now going to LA (and hopefully LA KCON too once confirmed).


To add some context to the Simon yelling thing. At this point you realize that there was no intent to send anyone home. That part was all a guise to try and light a fire under the girls. The problem with Chisa, Maya, and Juria wasn't dancing, it was showing the passion to learn and improve. Right before the yelling scene Simon pretty much just goes in on them on the ranking "Everyone improved except the last three." That was his final attempt to try and get them to see what was wrong. What he wanted to see was them take notes, actively participate in the practice for the top two teams. Instead, since they fell out of the standings, they were off to the side goofing off (as all kids their age do). Simon pulled his last card to try and get them on board.


I get that the yelling seems rough but I think everyone that was serious with sports gets yelled at at the same age. I remember getting kicked out of a swimming practice for complaining it was too cold and I think I was 10 or 11. I remember whining afterwards to my mom and she basically told me to grow up. My sister was big into ice hockey and her team would get chewed out starting at 10 or so. And every parent was fine with it because the coach was right. I think learning to take the criticism seriously but not personally is a big deal for all kids. A coach is there to make you better and at that age it might be more than you think you can handle. But growth isn't easy. I do wonder how much Simon's pushing the 3 of them "because he knew" was revisionist history. Maybe all 3 were super talented besides dance and never took dance seriously but to this day those are the 3 that goof around and laugh all the time. I don't know if Juria could keep a straight face for an entire performance or Chisa not to joke around in a practice. To me it's more he realized them goofing around isn't them not trying hard. It would be interesting to see their honest take on his analysis. Juria still seemed close to tears now recounting the story 4/5 years later.


I'm not sure if you noticed but the hikaru here is the same hikaru in Kep1er!