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Another great episode! Hope you guys enjoy! 🧡 




thank you for the reaction, Caitlin. Yuta is exceptionally cute this episode, and the new guy had gotten my interest. Can't wait for the next ep!!


One of my favorite things about this show is how understanding the other characters are of the main cast’s blunders, like Hayate was dying internally about slipping and leaving his umbrella but the cashier just remarked about how easy it is to forget your umbrella, and even Motoharu's coworker was more annoyed and concerned about him going to the wrong location instead of genuinely being angry. It's just really wholesome how they normalize everyday mistakes and make a point of showing that even if the person making the mistake is super embarrassed, it's just a part of life and most likely the people around them don't think much about it. I'm enjoying this show so much; thank you as always for the reaction! 💕