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Weng M

Yey soooo excited for this. Thank soo much Caitlin!


I loveeeee this show and i love watching it with youuuuu


The actor, who plays Jang Geun Won (older brother), Ahn Bo Hyun, is so good. I’ve seen him in other dramas where I just love him. A lot of times, that sticks with me and I still can’t hate the character because I have fond memories of the other role they played. But I can’t STAND Jang Geun Won lol. I saw him in another drama, after this and went right back to loving him lol.

kris keleigh

caitlin you should watch "my name" on netflix. its got the older brother jang in it! he's loveable in this one and its so incredible. twist after twist ughhh so great!


Yes! Also, he was in Descendants of the Sun, on the Alpha team.

Elle E.


Kaylarnie Te Kahu

ahhhh im soooo behind on catching up with these episodes and Caitlyn i agree with everything you said i think the 1st son definately needs to be in jail for his crime but im on the fence about the kind of person he is because when i think about the mental abuse he went through from his father its probs the reason he acts the way he does tho that is still no excuse for the way he acts and behaves, he has never been shown any kind of affection and he has always had everything taken care of for him i think he definately has some issues about how Mr Park died but i think he has a inferiority complex and thats why he acts and says the things he says specially concerning Saeyori's Dad Mr Park i think he has never really sat there and thought about what he done like he hasn't reflected on the terrible thing he caused and he was probs told not to idk but i think he also doesnt know how to deal with the fact that he is a murderer aswell he was still young at the time and he obviously has not grown up even now in his adulthood you can tell by how immature he acts and how he runs his mouth all the time he is arrogant because he has been given the previlage to be able to do bad things and get a way with it his metal capacity is terrible but he deserve everything that has happened to him, I believe that because he has never been punished for his wrongdoings he doesnt know any other way to act, but honestly the one to blame in all of this is the chairmen he is truly such an evil person and more then anything i want him to pay for everything he has committed, gahhhhhh i really cant stand the chairman, the 2 females leads both annoyed me so much in the beginning but i think i like Soo Yah more i cant stand Yi-Seo tbh she is such a brat and she is sooo closeminded i really dont like her character at all i dont like how she just says these terrible things and everyone lets her get away with it she needs to be put in place and dhe needs to reflect on the things she says the nice things sh does for the others dont feel genuine to me cause she only does it for Saeyori the only time she was genuine was when she threw that coffee at the 1st son, as for the second son he kinda annoys me he is a lot like Yi-Seo in the way he does things cause he loves Yi-Se but i guess that shows how Young the both are, but it still annoys me i really want him to step into his own and become amazing i hope he becomes an amzing person, tho rn im sooo not sure what he is gonna do im confused with him aswell. ohhh wow i wrote a wole damn novel sorry i just had a lot of thoughts on what you said and this episode sooo much happened.


Fun fact about the actor who plays the Jangga Chairman's eldest son: he is/was in a relationship with Jisoo from Blackpink (i think they split up a couple of month ago)


The moment he wanted to make it right his dad was the one who decided to manipulate his son, and now punished him for it even worse than what it would have been. UGH the anger I felt towards the chairman.

Michele Wang

Mr. Jang: "why hit her" as he's beating his son to high heaven.