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This Show is getting more and more intense..... And I have a lot of thoughts on this one LOL - Hope you enjoy! 💕



Neriman El Merhi

I was literally just starting the episode and tada your reaction came up! Love it


Ok so for the emotional theme teams I was definetly super underwhelmed but I definetly agree with you that the song selection for them was so bad it was pretty frustrating. Even with some other teams I have felt that some songs were not exactly evenly matched in terms of difficulty etc. and gave an unfair advantage but with this theme literally both songs made no sense to me for the theme (and obv nothing against the songs). I mean if we are going to pick a judge‘s song you have Kyuhyun Ballad legend right there just pick any song of his lmao. I also really loved team 8:00 vs 2:00 they were amazing although I kind of expected a more even result (personally preferred 2:00‘s a bit more) but well deserved win for DKB! I just hope with the way that the rules work this doesn‘t mean 2:00 will be eliminated next round and they can get some more votes bc they have so much more to show!


Also yeah the tension in the rap team was hard to watch and I didn‘t like how Heedo handled that at all. I hope they can resolve it somehow I mean they are literally in the same team for the rest of the show. As for Vanner they honestly glt set up bc with that kind of ‚benefit‘ you are basically forced to pick a weak link either way. I do agree that that team is definetly the weakest one tho I definetly facepalmed when they said that so directly bc you know how sensitive ppl are when it comes to these survival shows and I hope they don‘t get unnecessary backlash for this. Either way im super excited for ep 5!


Ah I thought I was the only one who really liked Team 21:00 (aka 24K)'s performance! They had such great energy like a group of punky kids and maybe that's not the vibe the judges wanted from their performance but I thought it suited their group really well and they did a really good job with it. They're on a team now with Team 23:00 (DGNA - super experienced, long careers), Team 20:00 (MONT - tons of performance/conerts experience worldwide), and Team 8:00 (DKB - do I even need to say anything?) which feels like a massive opportunity for them to level up and show even more of what they can do.

Eva van Galen

Honestly because of the song selection I already knew they wouldn't be able to truly bring out the category and show their potential even before starting. I believe these songs were chosen through vote, so now I'm curious what the other options were.... Like you said Kyuhyun has a list of songs to pick from if you truly want to show off vocals and match the emotional theme. Personally I also preferred 2:00, but still also really like 8:00. I'm curious to see how these extra votes are going to work out in the elimination round.

Karine Mendonca

I feel like the teams are on so many different levels, I really don't know where this is going hahha but they're all super talented, I'm don't think I can handle any elimination on this show. Jongup grew up so well, he is one of the maknaes in his group, he has a very quiet and shy personality (at first because he's actually very cute and playful when he's comfortable, he smiles a lot) and he shines on stage because he always had his members supporting him, they went through hell together and they keep supporting each other even after the disbandment. It's really nice to see him interacting in a group again, now as one of the oldest members, and taking the initiative to comfort and support his teammates, I really like how you always notice things about him

Tracey Kim (edited)

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2023-04-25 09:34:13 just fyi, a lot of the time when you're shocked by what a judge says, its not an accurate translation! the translator on these episodes is a little lazy from what I can tell.. thanks for reacting to these episodes (here for tiffany <3)
2023-03-03 01:35:31 just fyi, a lot of the time when you're shocked by what a judge says, its not an accurate translation! the translator on these episodes is a little lazy from what I can tell.. thanks for reacting to these episodes (here for tiffany <3)

just fyi, a lot of the time when you're shocked by what a judge says, its not an accurate translation! the translator on these episodes is a little lazy from what I can tell.. thanks for reacting to these episodes (here for tiffany <3)


hmmmm as for me, DKB's Bang was really amazing in terms of performance but it was just all shouting and chanting with underwhelming vocals. While, NTX's The Boys had a great balance of stable vocal line and a very energetic performance. Looking on how the episode is edited, it seems like TEAM C will get the benefit which consists of BAE173 and Vanner in which we all know they'll gonna slay together with team 24 and BLK.

Megan Gleason

Watching this show is dangerous... I'm already all in for VANNER and now Team 2:00 (NTX) just had to run in and kill me. Rawhyun actually murdered me. Bout threw my damn laptop XD Looks like I'm adopting a rookie group... RIP my wallet.


I’m not sure if you’re talking about my comment when it came to the last episode with round between the 5 member group, vs the 2 member duo or not, but it sounds like what I was saying. And I could tell you were kind of disagreeing with what they were saying even in the last episode. Especially the way they said certain things. I just wanted to say that I had no problem with any of your opinions or anything. I was just ranting on my own because I could tell you at least somewhat agreed that what he wanted from them offstage was a little weird and hypocritical. So I felt confident ranting in your comment section. Sorry about that 😅 It’s nice to hear your further thoughts about the situation! I really enjoy hearing your opinions though. 😁 So I liked the way you broke things down this episode. But it would be fun even if you just cheer them on the whole time, so don’t feel pressured 😁 I agree with most of your opinions this episode. Personally I would have picked NTX in the round where they were up against DKB; but that’s just because I felt their performance was a bit more balanced this round. I hope DKB shows off more of their other skills in the next episodes cause we already know they’re great performers. But I also totally get that you’re cheering for them both because you have an attachment towards them and because you enjoyed their performance a bit more. I enjoy how supportive yet honest you are about every performance for each group! And point out their strengths and weaknesses. About the tension in the 24:00 team, yeah I am bad with conflict so I was like 😬 I also agree with you about Heedo. I think it comes from a good place but I hope he listens a bit more to the other members. And he was being kind of hypocritical. Maybe they will surprise us next episode. Jongup was very sweet to their leader Junseo, and I loved seeing them support him. I’m glad they kept him as their leader and I can’t wait to see their performance. 😁💙❤️ is there no emoji for bubbles? I thought there was one can’t find one though. 😔


Also, I’m pretty sure that I was so annoyed by mino’s criticism about their offstage demeanors, that I literally had a dream that nobody but me was annoyed by what he said and I got so frustrated LOL. but the dream felt so real that I still can’t tell if I dreamed it, or if that was what I felt when I read what someone said on Twitter or something. I also agree with what you said about the other judges too.

Star Galaxy

First of all, I just want to say I literally wait for your reaction so I can watch the episode with you! Thank you for being so fast 🥺 Just wanna add regarding the judging! Whenever I watch these shows, I try to keep in mind that what they're seeing and hearing live in the studio is different from what we're watching on our screens. Some performances might register differently in person as they are seeing the raw versions and we're seeing the edited ones, it's natural for them to see more details than us. For example, I saw the performance of one of the groups who did the BTS song (Blitzers!) on YouTube (the one without reactions), and there were parts where they weren't really synchronized. However, I think the judges' comments should sound like constructive criticisms, not just "mistakes to point out harshly". With that being said, I definitely agree with what you said regarding Team 23:00. I think they did super super good, especially the red-haired guy, I think his name is Xiwoo. I actually thought they were gonna win but it was a shame that they didn't even get a single vote :( I believe they really showcased "duality" on stage. There might've been some bias towards the other group since they got a higher score during the first round (Don't get me wrong they did well too!).

Star Galaxy

Also, I know some might've preferred NTX's performance over DKB. And to be honest, they really did exceptionally well vocal-wise. However, their performance didn't really make me say "wow" unlike DKB's piece. So considering the overall performance factor, I think DKB really bagged it.

Gemma O'Hanlon (edited)

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2023-03-03 20:40:31 I'm watching this vicariously through you, I didn't even know it was a thing but I'm loving it so far. I really enjoy the premise of the show, and even if the vast majority aren't going to win, they still get to showcase themselves and their talents with performances every week. I do believe that a little bit of what the judges say is both slightly lost in translation and may be dramatised for the show itself to create tension, so I try not to judge them to harshly, as I try not to with the contestants too. But, saying that I really disliked the way beanie guy from Group C bulldozed every body else's thoughts in the rap group. I understood his thoughts, but when working in a group, you have to compromise and take in others idea's or you run the risk of creating a rift and the whole thing falls short because of internal conflict. I hope we'll see them work through it next week and that they manage a cohesive performance. Much love Bubbles ❤️
2023-03-03 12:37:57 I'm watching this vicariously through you, I didn't even know it was a thing but I'm loving it so far. I really enjoy the premise of the show, and even if the vast majority aren't going to win, they still get to showcase themselves and their talents with performances every week. I do believe that a little bit of what the judges say is both slightly lost in translation and may be dramatised for the show itself to create tension, so I try not to judge them to harshly, as I try not to with the contestants too. But, saying that, I really disliked the way beanie guy from Group C bulldozed every body else's thoughts in the rap group. I understood his thoughts, but when working in a group you have to compromise and take in others idea's or you run the risk of creating a rift and the whole thing falls short because of internal conflict. I hope we'll see them work through it next week and that they manage a cohesive performance. Much love Bubbles ❤️

I'm watching this vicariously through you, I didn't even know it was a thing but I'm loving it so far. I really enjoy the premise of the show, and even if the vast majority aren't going to win, they still get to showcase themselves and their talents with performances every week. I do believe that a little bit of what the judges say is both slightly lost in translation and may be dramatised for the show itself to create tension, so I try not to judge them to harshly, as I try not to with the contestants too. But, saying that, I really disliked the way beanie guy from Group C bulldozed every body else's thoughts in the rap group. I understood his thoughts, but when working in a group you have to compromise and take in others idea's or you run the risk of creating a rift and the whole thing falls short because of internal conflict. I hope we'll see them work through it next week and that they manage a cohesive performance. Much love Bubbles ❤️


not a fan of DKB, this show is the one that introduced them to me. But I was a fan of After School, I was literally there when Bang was released. It was ICONIC. And DKB did a fantastic job performing it, they didn't only cover the song, they actually managed to make their version of it. I was blown away. If I may, on your new series the Label View, maybe you can check After School out during Pledis episode (I know they're under HYBE now, but this label has history of their own). just an idea. anw thank you for the reaction Caitlin ❤

Dea (edited)

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2023-03-03 22:15:01 I do agree with your opinion with that one dude who keeps cutting his members off. I don't know if it's because of the editing but the way he talks when they just started to talk about the technique that they'll do for the rap part really icks me. I definitely agree with what you said that he just said to the other guy to speak for himself, not to bring them down and stuff but then that's what he did too. That's one of my pet peeve like why tell the other person that dont do this or that but then you'll doing the same as well :((. I'm just sad that I think the other 3 members are afraid to speak up too :( I'm so excited with that Bad performance and the teaser??!! WHY ARE THEY SHOWING SKIN LIKE ALL OF THEM WHATTTT???!! I also love their dynamic and the one guy from BAP said to the leader too &lt;3
2023-03-03 20:21:40 I do agree with your opinion with that one dude who keeps cutting his members off. I don't know if it's because of the editing but the way he talks when they just started to talk about the technique that they'll do for the rap part really icks me. I definitely agree with what you said that he just said to the other guy to speak for himself, not to bring them down and stuff but then that's what he did too. That's one of my pet peeve like why tell the other person that dont do this or that but then you'll doing the same as well :((. I'm just sad that I think the other 3 members are afraid to speak up too :( I'm so excited with that Bad performance and the teaser??!! WHY ARE THEY SHOWING SKIN LIKE ALL OF THEM WHATTTT???!! I also love their dynamic and the one guy from BAP said to the leader too <3

I do agree with your opinion with that one dude who keeps cutting his members off. I don't know if it's because of the editing but the way he talks when they just started to talk about the technique that they'll do for the rap part really icks me. I definitely agree with what you said that he just said to the other guy to speak for himself, not to bring them down and stuff but then that's what he did too. That's one of my pet peeve like why tell the other person that dont do this or that but then you'll doing the same as well :((. I'm just sad that I think the other 3 members are afraid to speak up too :( I'm so excited with that Bad performance and the teaser??!! WHY ARE THEY SHOWING SKIN LIKE ALL OF THEM WHATTTT???!! I also love their dynamic and the one guy from BAP said to the leader too <3

Reem Jenaideb (edited)

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2023-03-04 12:27:13 I kind of disagree the theme is just a general concept but not the judging criteria, also bad boy concept isn't just pure hardcore cussing with wacky facial expression, it can also be the fun wild bad boys players at the club. If you knew the 2pm song they covered they also nailed the bad boy concept in another way + the quality of skill and person obviously all judges voted. The other team did well but the 2pm crazy did deserved that all vote :) Enjoyed the rest of the reactions though Catlin can't wait for more &lt;3
2023-03-03 22:24:54 I kind of disagree the theme is just a general concept but not the judging criteria, also bad boy concept isn't just pure hardcore cussing with wacky facial expression, it can also be the fun wild bad boys players at the club. If you knew the 2pm song they covered they also nailed the bad boy concept in another way + the quality of skill and person obviously all judges voted. The other team did well but the 2pm crazy did deserved that all vote :) Enjoyed the rest of the reactions though Catlin can't wait for more <3

I kind of disagree the theme is just a general concept but not the judging criteria, also bad boy concept isn't just pure hardcore cussing with wacky facial expression, it can also be the fun wild bad boys players at the club. If you knew the 2pm song they covered they also nailed the bad boy concept in another way + the quality of skill and person obviously all judges voted. The other team did well but the 2pm crazy did deserved that all vote :) Enjoyed the rest of the reactions though Catlin can't wait for more <3


I respect your opinion and respectfully disagree at the same time haha but I appreciate and welcome your input! 💕💕 I really want this space to be open and safe place for others to express their thoughts! So I loved reading your comment! I can’t wait for the next one too! 😭💕


Oh no it wasn’t your fault or anything! Your comment opened my eyes actually haha I appreciated it so much! 💕- I just was hard on myself for not expressing my thoughts more vocally lol


I get it 💙 we’re always our own worst critics! And I’ve truly been enjoying your reactions to this show so much! I hope you’re not too hard on yourself for not vocalizing your thoughts as much as you wanted last episode. I think your thoughts were understandable just by watching your expressions! But if you enjoy vocalizing your thoughts I truly do enjoy hearing them. 💕😁

sushiracey (edited)

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2023-03-04 12:27:13 I agree a hundred percent about what you said about Team C's rap group. In my opinion, since the leader said that he's been in 3 survival shows, he himself should know that when you group up with different types of people, your way is not always the right way and that you should always be open to compromise. If I were in the rapper team's position with the same prior experience, i maybe would've reflected as to why I'm on my 3rd or 4th survival show because clearly something went wrong along the way and would be more open minded about things. :) By the way as a Kpop fan since 2009, I'm really happy you're watching these types of shows because ever since I started watching you on youtube, I always notice how unbiased (and constructive) you are with your judgements. So keep doing what you do. :) PS: I know you have a lot on your plate already but I do wish (If you can of course) watch Boys Planet 999 (it's the same show that created Kepler, Wanna One, Izone etc.) since for the longest time, I kinda wanted for you to maybe stan a group that started from scratch plus the show is ongoing so you don't have to worry about catching up. &lt;3
2023-03-04 04:44:57 I agree a hundred percent about what you said about Team C's rap group. In my opinion, since the leader said that he's been in 3 survival shows, he himself should know that when you group up with different types of people, your way is not always the right way and that you should always be open to compromise. If I were in the rapper team's position with the same prior experience, i maybe would've reflected as to why I'm on my 3rd or 4th survival show because clearly something went wrong along the way and would be more open minded about things. :) By the way as a Kpop fan since 2009, I'm really happy you're watching these types of shows because ever since I started watching you on youtube, I always notice how unbiased (and constructive) you are with your judgements. So keep doing what you do. :) PS: I know you have a lot on your plate already but I do wish (If you can of course) watch Boys Planet 999 (it's the same show that created Kepler, Wanna One, Izone etc.) since for the longest time, I kinda wanted for you to maybe stan a group that started from scratch plus the show is ongoing so you don't have to worry about catching up. <3

I agree a hundred percent about what you said about Team C's rap group. In my opinion, since the leader said that he's been in 3 survival shows, he himself should know that when you group up with different types of people, your way is not always the right way and that you should always be open to compromise. If I were in the rapper team's position with the same prior experience, i maybe would've reflected as to why I'm on my 3rd or 4th survival show because clearly something went wrong along the way and would be more open minded about things. :) By the way as a Kpop fan since 2009, I'm really happy you're watching these types of shows because ever since I started watching you on youtube, I always notice how unbiased (and constructive) you are with your judgements. So keep doing what you do. :) PS: I know you have a lot on your plate already but I do wish (If you can of course) watch Boys Planet 999 (it's the same show that created Kepler, Wanna One, Izone etc.) since for the longest time, I kinda wanted for you to maybe stan a group that started from scratch plus the show is ongoing so you don't have to worry about catching up. <3

Lauren Freeman

I'm just starting to watch this show so I finally decided to go back and see what you said about it because I really enjoy your commentary and feedback about stuff because I like to think really objectively and critically when consuming stuff like this too. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but I have watched a lot of these trainees on three main survival shows. The Unit (which was similar to this content where priorly debuted but unsuccessful idols participated. Pretty sure the B.I.G members were all in that i.e. Heedo but Hangyul was definitely in it too. ONEWE and 2/5 A.C.E, members were also in it ), MIXNINE (M.O.N.T and junhyung were in this one. it's one of my faves. the group didn't debut but it had 3/5 A.C.E members, predebut ATEEZ, predebut itzy, dreamcatcher, loona, ONF, ONEUS, Treasure and CIX members in it all predebut/early debut) and produce x 101 (hangyeol, BDC, and a few others in this. Hangyeol actually debuted in X1 from this show but the scandal about mnet vote fixing forced the group to disband and now he's in BAE173). Every time I watch a show like this after the fact I always end up adopting like 30 new kids. This show is not different lol. So far I am super impressed with both Jaemin's Yunhyeok, Junhyung is ABSOLUTELY a new fave of mine, M.O.N.T I still love, Xiwoo from 24K is special too, Vanner and DKB were on my radar but are now getting my money. Still have some catching up to do on this show but I've been an underrated boygroup collector since I got into kpop and this show absolutely tugs at my heart strings. Also I liked Blitzers music but did NOT recognize them in this show til their name was announced LOL