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Hello everyone!

We’re approaching the end of October and wow it’s been a month for sure.

Thank you all for going with the flow this month because I know the schedule was a bit off then It normally is. Appreciate the love and support!

I’m sure everyone knows but In light of everything that’s has happened in Itaewon and the announcement of the mourning period…I decided it’s best to respect the victims and everyone affected to not post any reactions until after November 5th..I hope everyone can understand.

Also I’m not entirely sure If I’m comfortable continuing itaewon class after this tragedy….If everyone is still wanting my reaction I’ll for sure still do it but in light of things recently I feel a bit weird about it. Let me know!

I will be posting the monthly schedule sometime tomorrow for what to expect in the month of November. Everything that didn’t get hit this month will be the first things to go out next month.

I am praying for those in the Philippines as well that have been affected by the typhoon and anyone that is in Brazil right now during elections. Please everyone stay safe and take care of your mental health. Try not to watch too much news and surround yourself with things and people that give you life if you can. I will be doing the same.

Love you all! 🫶🏽💕



Hope the election situation turns out well here in Brazil. We are really concerned. Thank you for remember us.


Honestly, if you yourself aren’t comfortable reacting to something then it’s completely okay. You shouldn’t risk your mental health at the expanse of pleasing people. It’s been such an overwhelming couple of days, take care of yourself ❤️❤️


you ended this post with some excellent advice. the 24-hour news cycle can overwhelm you with tragedy before you know it, and it doesn't make you disrespectful or uninformed to take a step back from it all. as for the content, i don't think it would be wrong to continue after taking a break, but what matters most is what you're comfortable with. i'm not currently on the tier with itaewon class so i probably shouldn't get a vote lol, but i know with all your other reactions, the fun for us comes from *you* having fun. so don't feel like you have to force yourself if it doesn't feel right💜


Ofcourse its very understandable to not post anything in this mourning period. And you should never do something that does not make you comfortable it really is all up to you if you want to continue.


I totally respect your decision to halt reactions for now and watching Itaewon Class. I will be thinking and praying for all those affected by this tragedy 💚


It's totally understandable!! And as much as I enjoyed watching your reaction to Itaewon Class, it's definitely for the best for you stop reacting to it if you are not longer comfortable watching it. I hope you remember that this is your patreon and that you don't have to react to things if you don't or no longer want to watch them. <3

Francielle {EXO-L}♡

Thank you for your kind words Caitlin. I am brazilian and oh, it's been a journey to be here in Brazil during this presidential elections... We have now our new president and I hope we can see a better country for the next 4 years. Let's pray for it. Thanks for the update on the schedule, as always. Take care and stay well! 😘

kris keleigh

i dont really see the problem continuing itaewon class. i understand the reasoning but at the same time its a great story. its just a little strange to stop watching a show bc of a tragedy. because in all honesty if that were why people stopped watching shows there would be nothing at all to watch considering 90% of stuff is based off real events. you could do like an in memorium. but with how twisted the world is and always has been its a bit strange to me to stop watching a fictional tv show thats not even real.

kris keleigh

but you are able to do what you want. im not trying to guilt you, im just perplexed about it. ive never thought of stopping a tv show bc of something tragic. you could give it a few weeks or so, but also its your channel and you can what you wishcwith it. i just hate that bc it really is a fantastic show and story


It’s not strange to not watch a show because of a tragedy especially when that tragedy is very fresh and takes place in the setting of the show. Maybe you’ve never felt that way but that doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t. I just expressed my discomfort as it felt weird to me to keep going as if nothing happened. My feelings are valid. I just wanted to let others know how I feeling about it but as you said it’s up to me.


Hey Caitlin!! I was hoping I could get in your line of requests lol. I wanted to suggest reacting to stray kids street version videos like boxer, question, N/A. It's a collection of straykids being goofy lol. If you can't anytime soon it's okay. Stay safe love your videos!!!💗

Tia Eytchison

I love Itaewon class but I understand if you feel uncomfortable and don't want to post the series. You post so much great content, even if you decide not to continue with the show, your bubbles aren't going anywhere. Whatever feels right to you is what you should go with.

kris keleigh

I wasn’t trying to sound mean or disrespectful. Maybe I didn’t come across as I intended. There is nothing wrong with postponing something like that. Yes I have also not wanted to watch things for a while after something happens but I eventually watch things to become more educated I guess. So I just found it odd that it would be off. I wasn’t saying it’s wrong to postpone it for a while and pick it up when you’re more comfortable with it. It’s also got such a great message so maybe that’s why. I’m just passionate. And yes honey it is up to you. I’ve been watching you for years so I hope I didn’t offend you. I deeply apologize if I came across any rude type of way!! Sending you lots of love!! ❤️❤️💜💜💚💚

kris keleigh

Caitlin, I’ve debated for a few days wether or not to say anything but I just wanted to make you aware that because I said the comments I did apparently it really pissed off 2 people who then decided to send horrible messages to me. I didn’t know expressing my own opinion would cause people to say horrible things to me. I just wanted to make you aware of some toxic people just bc I expressed a different opinion .