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Man this past week has been crazyyyyyyyyy….

So I spontaneously decided to travel over 900 miles to see NCT 127 in concert in Newark NJ for their concert on the 13th. It’s been crushing me that the boys were in my country but I was letting my fear of traveling stop me from going to see them (and money LMAO) but I decided that I HAVE to see them cause I don’t know when we’ll get the chance to next. I was able to find a ticket and my mom is driving with me cause the car ride Is gonna be 14 hours 😭…..

We leave this Tuesday super late at night and then we won’t be back until Saturday on the 15th. I unfortunately wasn’t able to get to all the videos that was supposed to go up this week due to planning the trip, homework, and also my health. I’m not sure what’s going on with my body but I’ve been in pain for the past month. I was told I had signs of arthritis in both of my knees at an early age but lately I’ve been experiencing extreme pain in both of my hands (that’s why you see my fingers wrapped sometimes) and more recently my elbow. It makes sitting down and editing very painful. I’m not sure what it is but no medicine has helped. I apologize for not being able to get to everything but with the trip and my body I just couldn’t do everything I wanted this week 😞….BUT


Dear M EPS 6


Will be top priority when i get back and I will catch up with the Schedule to make sure I don’t fall too far behind. All the videos that are on the schedule will still go up this month for sure so you don’t have to worry about that. Life just happens sometimes you know? Lol 😭

Despite being in pain and having to endure it for the whole 14 hour car ride to and back…..I’m looking forward to seeing my boys in concert 🥹. I have a feeling this is going to be such an important concert for me and I know I’m going to cry so hard lol I’ll be filming my whole trip so please be expecting a vlog on the channel.

So sorry for any disappointment I may have caused anyone but I am so grateful for you all and I am beyond thankful that you have been so gracious to me . Thank you for understanding 💕

See you all really soon! X



Kevin Austria

Enjoy bestie and thank you for the recent uploads. I think i have been watching for 12 hours haha. Have fun with the NEOs! Caitlin❤️Yuta

Kevin Austria

No need to apologize as well because we are very patient and thankful always. ❤️❤️❤️


No need to apologize! Enjoy yourself at the concert! I appreciate all the videos you have loaded thus far. Can't wait for the others to drop as well! I pray for your health to get better soon too! NO RUSH EITHER!!! TAKE YOUR TIME!! 🙏🏻 💖


Hey caitlin, I could feel a lot when reading this. The excitement of the concert, the upset and struggle from your growing pains and the worry about not having videos out for viewers. I really just wanted to say please don't lose yourself as a person within all these things, all these expectations and occurrences. If I were to ask have you spent time just enjoying yourself? Being with yourself? not thinking about others or the things you have to do? If not let this be a reminder to give yourself a break and that you can totally absolutely enjoy this moment of seeing a group you love so much live in concert. part of the experience is the planning, travel, hype and thinking of what to do and say. I'm sure you'll meet lots of amazing people there too so please allow yourself to take some time to truly just live in the moment and be happy. You should never lose yourself and end up forcing a persona on 24/7. I'm here for you as a person and that means when you take breaks as well, because you're not a machine you're human <3


Don't worry Caitlin, focus on your health and your trip Hope you have an amazing time with the neos💚💚💚


As someone who suffers from fibro I can give a few recommendations for the aches and pains with your joints and such. When I do travel I always bring an arsenal so here are some suggestions that might help: 1. Tiger balm - this was a game changer for me. It's cheaper on Amazon than in store but it can be found at almost any pharmacy and places like Walmart and target. 2. Heating pad - that made all the difference for me after the seventeen concert I went to. 3. Motrin - personally motrin is the best brand that works for me but. If you have muscle/back pain then aleve back and muscle. 4. Tens Unit - it basically interrupts your pain receptors in the areas around the pads/nodes. 5. Voltaren Arthritis gel - dude, it's the best topical gel you can get for arthritis pain that's over the counter. I hope this allows you a chance. To be able to fully enjoy the show without having to worry about anything.

Lunatic 370

Take all the time you need babe💜💜


bless your heart, that joint pain sounds awful. the car ride might be uncomfortable but i'm sure once you're in the crowd at that concert you'll be feeling no pain! don't worry about the videos, they'll keep until you're ready. hope you have the trip/concert of your dreams💜


Enjoy the concert Caitlin! You deserve it! 💚 I hope the neos would notice youuu. and also don't worry we understand, take care of your health. We're always thankful to you 💚


Dont worry about uploading new videos this week, just focus on YOU! Enjoy the trip & take care of urself


Enjoy the concert Caitlin. Don't worry about being off schedule. Your health is always the most important thing. Take breaks whenever you need!


Take your time! Enjoy the trip!!! I am so jealous! :) have fun and hopefully your health will improve.


Hope you have a great time at the concert!! I'm so happy for you! Travel safely with your mom 💕


Don't say sorry for prioritising yourself! no worries that you're off schedule. So exited for your well deserved trip to see the nct boys! Have fun!! I look forward to supporting you and your future content! Take care of yourself and remember that your health always comes first! 💚💚


oh I will be going to see NCT too in Newark !! hope to see u there !!


I’m driving up to see them too hope I can see you there. Have an amazing time!

Cory Tripp

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear you've been in pain! :( I hope the source gets figured out soon As for fear of traveling, I totally understand. Something really bad happened when I was driving back from visiting family about 3 hours away from home, and I developed a driving phobia: couldn't drive even a mile. I've been doing therapy for it and all it's manifestations (trains, planes, buses), and slowly it's gotten better. One of the very first things I did was be in the car with another person driving, so I think it's awesome your mom is going with you! Enjoy the concert!


Don‘t be sorry and just take care of yourself.Enjoy the concert and I'm really looking forward to the vlog.💚💚💚

japheth shem izon

Stay healthy. Not sure why you chose to drive but if yoy can still avail a plne ride that would be better for your health coz 14hours is no joke. Hoping you enjoy this concert (which I'm 100% sure you will) Keep safe and stay healthy


Take care of yourself Caitlin ☺️ you don’t need to be sorry and have fun at the concert! So glad to know you’ll be travelling with your mom. Hope you create great memories!💜💜💜

Tasha L.

Take care of yourself. Luckily you’re traveling with your mom. Have a great time. 💚

Bernadette Roberts

No worries. Have a fun and safe trip. Can't wait to hear about your time seeing NCT. Hope your mom has fun too. Take care of your health. that is more important. We can wait for your reactions. Cant wait to see your reaction to Bon Voyage season 4. We love you


No worries! Just go and have an amazing time! I ended up missing an exo concert because of my anxiety and its the biggest regret in my life. So go and take everything in and enjoy seeing our boys! I'm sure that it's going to be an awesome show!!

Natalie Hayes

I hope you feel better! I have arthritis in both my knees, hands, wrists, elbows, and recently started getting some pain in my feet too. Try to stay away from white flour when you can; it really made a difference for me. Also, if you need recommendations on braces, I recommend ACE Energizing Hand Support for your hands, Ace Knee Brace With Side Stabilizers for your knees, and Ace Elbow Brace. Enjoy your trip💜


I hope you have fun and enjoy the concert 💚 we love you and I’m definitely living vicariously through you🎊 can’t wait for your vlog!


Hope u enjoy the concert experience wholly. Take time and get well!


I'm so sorry for what you're going through, I've been through several medical issues & know just how taxing it can be both physically & mentally, put yourself first, if anyone talks trash, send me in chief, I'll fuck up their shit (metaphorically) You're doing amazing & you should always put yourself first before anyone else! Have an amazing time! (I'm not jealous...* cries in Australian *)


Safe travels and take care of yourself. 💜

Shakyra White

Be gentle with yourself and take good care. I have some health issues as well and they can be very stressful and overwhelming to deal with at times especially when you have things planned. I hope your travels are safe and that you have the best time! You deserve this! 💛


We are waiting for your feedback this week 😭😭💖