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Caitlin, I watched the live and as a gay man, it's okay, intentions matter and clearly you didn't intend to use that word in a malicious way. It's okay! don't beat yourself up hun


and I thank you a lot for apologising, most wouldn't. I think it's a tricky thing because many people feel that they can say it because it's been reclaimed slightly by gay men and used casually in that sense, never positively though, usually in a self depricating way or against other gay men from gay men. People (especially on twitter) use it far too loosely when only the people that its towards can reclaim it (gay men, not all lgbt). The only thing that bugged me with the situation is seing people who were affected being quoted on twitter being called the same slur for being offended or being called sensitive, and then loads of people who aren't gay men voicing their opinion because it's not for them to reclaim or forgive. I forgive you, though, you didn't use it in malice. Like I said the only thing that bugged me was seeing people saying it to the people who were offended by it to defend you or be like 'its not that serious, f*****' I applaud you for taking it serious, but again, please dont beat yourself up. you aren't homophobic girl. If I was still in middle school i'd come out to you first lol


lastly, I just searched twitter, and you can rest assured there isn't anyone using the clip our of context or anything that I could see. and if they do i'll be the first one defending you. dont worry ♥

Dalia H

Girl pls go to seventeen concert and have a good time ! Enjoy yourself and take your time


I know its sounds like such a cop out to say to make mistakes is human (but it is the truth). We're not perfect, we're bound to make mistakes. All we can do is try to learn from them, take responsibility for them and do your absolute best to do a better job tomorrow. You did well in acknowledging that you committed a mistake. But dear, I hope you don't let what you're feeling right now rot in your heart. Take your time to heal come back with a fresh mind. Remember that "We are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it". A bunch of hugs to you Caity 🫂❤️


i’m not sure what happened cause i didn’t see the live. but everyone makes mistakes and i’ve been with u since the beginning. i will always support and come to us if you ever need anything 💜


Listen Girl, you made a mistake, you said something in the moment and you didn't mean harm by it, but then you took the time to notice what was wrong and apologize for it. We appreciate the heck out of you for being brave enough to talk about it with us. <3 I see the hurt in your eyes sweetie, and I just want you to know that you are forgiven. Beyond forgiven you are just a human like the rest of us. The difference is you have a whole audience watching you. You are a source of light and love and fun for so many of us, and I really hope you give yourself the time and space to heal from this. This is exactly why we love you, because you are solid human being. Signed: A bubble who just wants you to know you're loved.


i already commented my thoughts a few days ago but i just wanted to say: bubbles forever💜


hey Caitlin, I wasn't in the live either but from context, I can guess what was said. Honestly, you were quoting it, so they weren't your words. I agree that you probably should've censored it, but you already know that. The point is that now you know. Mistakes happen. It wasn't malicious. I hope you feel better and enjoy decorating your new office space!


hey, im apart of the lgbtq community n i forgive n love u..but u pls make atleast a portion of the apology public, it should be public bc u said it on a public live, not every gay person that saw your live is paying for ur patreon, and they can't see this apology that they deserve to see.


i do know that u made an apology on the same live, but i feel like a permanant apology that'll always be there will be more efficient. you can make a seperate youtube video just for that apology thats less personal if u want, but as a person apart of the community you offended, i would really appreciate it if you did :)


I have posted my apology on my community tab on YouTube. I was very vulnerable in this video and wanted to address my patrons first. I have apologized to as many people as I can both publicly through all platforms and privately through DM’s with those that have messaged me. That’s all I can do at this point.


ah okay i wasnt aware, thank you :) take as long as u need


you are NOT a bad person. i hope you are doing better now than you were when you recorded this video. your energy, smile and excitement when you’re reacting is so contagious and lifts my spirit every time i watch one of your videos. you’re a sun in a dark world of miserable people, please don’t let them dim you, please don’t give their hateful words anymore of your time or energy. i hope you are able to process and care for yourself while you take a break. you are amazing, keep shining!


I believe in you, Caitlin. Hugs