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Itaewon Class EP 2

Watch Caitlin Benson's video about Itaewon Class EP 2. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.


Weng M

I love itaewon class sooo much!


It’s strange but I never really like ship Soo-ah and Saeroyi the first time I watched this kdrama (the time it got released). I just had this feeling that she is not the one for him and they’re def not gonna end up together at the end?? Like it’s weird😭 But I’m sooo happy to watch this again with you!!

Michele Wang

I can't help but feel like, until the chicken incident, there was still hope for Geunwon. He was shitty because his dad was shitty, but that broke something in him.

Michele Wang

It's eerie to think that this episode was filmed just 2 short years before the Itaewon Halloween Tragedy and was filmed in the alleyway where so many people died. It just goes to show that you can never know what the future holds, and one small change to how things normally go can make a huge difference in the long run. RIP to the lives lost.

Elle E.

OMG yessss, I will be watching this reaction right after I get off of work. Thanks!!


If you don't know what Itaewon is, its basically the place all the foreigners are.


Well that settles it, I'm attachedddddd OH NO I sure hope this show doesn't make me cry every single episode, god damn I feel like her saying she doesn't like guys who are poor was more of a thing she said to push him to succeed and open his restaurant? Like she has faith in him that he'll get rich that way, but idk The Halloween part of this episode has successfully convinced me to go visit Itaewon if I ever go to Korea tbh The TIME JUMPS OH MY GOD I AM LOSING IT not them jumping 7 years ahead JFC Also the soundtrack is really god tier, huh. I just realized that the intro song is "You Make Me Back" by Woosung - I LOVE that song. Also "Start Over" by Gaho (the one playing at the end) is such a BOP I played it so much last year. V's song is incredible as well ANYWAYS I'm really liking Saeroyi's actor, I'm conflicted about Soo-ah, I wanted a redemption arc for Geun-won for about 2 seconds before changing my mind, and I'm excited to watch more of the show!

Tenzing Diki

Park Sejoon has been picked my marvel recently and might play hulk 😝😝😝

Thank you for giving me something to watch on my break at work! By the way, I totally understand being conflicted my Soo-ah’s character. I’ve seen the entire season so I won’t be giving up any spoilers but just in the two episodes that you’ve already watched, it seems like her behavior can be a little self serving, almost, dare I say cowardly (which in certain ways I can understand why). I think she knows what’s right and maybe even wants to do what’s right but not at the cost of herself, her comfort or what she hopes to get out of her life in any way. I didn’t like that she chose to work for the man who fired Saeroyi’s father - the same man who had been there for her and supported her in so many many ways aside from just his genuine kindness - and whose son murdered him (even if it was on accident). She rubs me the wrong way. Maybe watching it through again this time I’ll gain some new perspective. Love watching these along with you Caitlin! Can’t wait for the next episode!


Loving watching this again with you! 😆 Soo-ah grew up in an orphanage that Mr Park donated too through the company and then they cut the money off in the first ep, that how we meet her in ep1. I think this serves as a large part of her aim for money and a level of security which is why she takes the offer to have them pay her tuition and then work for them. Then I do think she does feel bad for that, but she def has her own motivations and self interest. But I love this series so much the characters are all so interesting.