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Hey guys sorry for another update but I recorded my reaction to SuperM and BTS Run….but my audio won’t sync with the video. You can hear me talking but my mouth isn’t moving to what I’m saying in the video. It’s very distracting so I don’t want to just post it anyway…ugh I’m very frustrated because i wanted to get them up today. I have no idea what caused it to not sync but I think it had something to do with OBS 😞…

I’m gonna try out some things tomorrow and re-record my reaction to those episodes but unfortunately I would have already seen everything…but at least I can tell you guys my favorite moments maybe? Idk kinda trying not to cry right now lol

so so so sorry for the delay! I’m trying to fix the problem as fast as I can.




it’s fine, caitlyn 😊 don’t worry about it.


Yes, please tell us your favorite parts 💜


if the audio is delayed u could try to mute the actual videos audio and then export the audio by itself and line it up like that in ur editing software? Don’t stress too much Caitlin it’s ok<3


Its OK don't cry dont rush your yourself


Damn that sucks...but no worries! Do what you can! I will continue waiting patiently 😁


It’s fine Caitlyn. But if your audio track is out of sync with the video, and the video and audio track are fine on their own, maybe you can try moving the audio tracks to align them. But don't feel pressured anyway. 💚


The Audio that is not syncing is just me talking. So like the audio of me talking is not syncing to my video. The actually audio of video im watching is fine but me talking is off sync so it’s weird. It gets way too bad that it’s distracting to watch. I’ll try to figure something out if I can.


oh no! dont stress about it. we understand! we just like hanging out with ya whenever you get a chance without wearing yourself out too much. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say NO NEED TO RUSH on getting videos out to us. I go back and watch your in the soops constantly! you have plenty of great content without constant uploads. I got BTS tickets! and have no one IRL to share with, lol. I am going alone but im front and center and super close. I can finally see them in person. yoongi is gonna be the death of me,lol


Awww, don't cry!🥺 It must be so frustrating for you. I know I'd love to watch with you even if you've seen the episode before, but if you want to just skip them and go on to the next, that's okay too. Whatever keeps your stress levels lowest lol 💜 Hang in there girl!


Its ok sis , We have fun when watch them so not worry about anything ...take your time ..Love you


Oh I see… maybe u could try separate the video's sound from your talking to move yours to synchronize them? I just feel like this will be easier than you re-recording, don't feel pressure or rush, you can choose the way you feel more relaxed, don’t worry💚


Don't worry! We are patient and happy whenever you are able to get it up :)

Valeria Florez

Oh no): Its ok💗 Unexpected things happened all the time, take your time, don't feel guilty, its something that wasn't your fault. We'll be waiting!💚


Also I just wanted to add that if u cant find a solution it’s ok u can still post the reaction if ur audio isn’t in sync id still enjoy watching<3


Lovie, just take care of you. We all know you've got a lot going on & honestly I'm more worried about you than getting to see Super M or Run right this second. Take a break from it, find something chill to do for you, come back to it later. I know how frustrating it is & I'm so sorry you're having a rough time.

Nana Yansane

That sounds so frustrating. But do whatever is easiest we don’t mind! Maybe telling us your fav parts in a short video would be good and just recording the next episodes instead of re recording. Or I don’t even mind waiting for the next week since you’ve already recorded so much. Take your time!

Reem Jenaideb

No need to re-record it’s an easy fix, detach the audio clip from the video then try and align to your video so it sync as best as possible to you talking. Hope this helps ☺️

I ruri

I am sorry to hear that Caitlin 🙏 No need to rush we will be waiting and thank you for all of your reactions videos


I'm sorry to hear this has been your experience lately! First blocked videos, and then skewed recordings. Hopefully you'll be able to sort out some way to fix it, though I honestly wouldn't mind watching the videos as is. Please don't let this be a source of stress for you when your videos are a source of destress for us Bubbles!


is there any way to separate the audio file from the video and match it up?


I was thinking the same, Ive had issues making edits before and you just need to cut some of the audio or move it around to align it properly. if some small sections of the audio need to be cut or mute in order for it to sync even a bit better im sure everyone would be fine with that. i'd even be fine with it being off and a re recording even if you've seen them, or maybe just moving on to the next ones? either way !


It’s okay sis you don’t have to re record it 💗


No worries, would happily watch unsynced just to still hear your thoughts 😄


just record the next episodes! I'd rather get new ones than a re reaction. it's okay. stuff like that happens and there's nothing you can do. don't be too upset about it ❤️


Don’t worry about it Caitlin. It’s not your fault you can’t control it…I remember when I wanted to start a yt channel and recorded some things and even posted them and they got some views which was surprising bc I wanted to do it just for fun but one time my computer just turned off and it didn’t save anything and I’m one of those people that don’t think before and act… I deleted my videos and yt channel 😅 Take your time and if there is no solution don’t have to re-record anything we all know you enjoy the videos ❤️❤️ love you


It’s fine for me to watch your unsynced reaction


Sorry, that sucks... But I prefer to watch the unsync audio, I feel like a re-reaction wouldn't be so fun for you, neither for us :( I guess youa lready tried what other people are saying about sync it manually.

Jessica McGuire

I'm so sorry that you're having such difficulties. I agree with several other people, though. I'd prefer to watch the unsynced audio. It may be distracting, but we'd still get to see your original reaction and that's what we're here for. Especially when it comes to the episode of Run. You'll never have another initial reaction to it.

japheth shem izon

Oooooohhh that sucks. But have you tried detaching the audio of the whole recording the adjust it in a video editor?


Don't worry about us! You don't need to say sorry for something that's not your fault. We'll wait because we support you and want you to be happy with your videos so don't feel guilty. Take your time and take a break for your mental health. I'm pretty sure that everyone here on patreon and all your youtube subscribers understand what it's like for technology to be a pain in the butt. You can do this :)

kris keleigh

this may be controversial buti think if you wanna re-react you can post that to youtube. but for the ones that pay i think it'd be better for us to see your genuine reaction. im so thrilled youre doing superm, like ive waited and commented for months for you to. and even if its not synced id rather see your genuine reaction bc it is in fact HILARIOUS!! so for me id rather your original video....