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2nd link: https://muse.ai/v/Gk1KACo 



Watch Caitlin Benson's video about BTS RUN EPS 22. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



Yay!! Thank you Caitlin ❤

Ashley Me

Thanks for the reaction 💜 you have to do episode 24. It's perfect for Halloween! It's hilarious


Thanks!! 💜 but um, am I the only one who can hear the video but can’t see it?? It’s just a black screen for me. I’ve never had this issue before 🤷🏽‍♀️


I was having the same issue a while ago and I’m not sure how to fix it because it’s not a video issue it’s a phone issue I think because it wouldn’t play on my phone but when I tried my laptop or iPad it worked. Maybe try a different device and see if that helps! I literally don’t know how to fix it cause I’m still trouble shooting it myself :(


- hanbok - when Korean is romanized to English, "a" will always be pronounced "ahh", like when the dentist tells you to say "ahh", so "hahhn bok" - Hangawi/Chuseok - Korea's version of Thanksgiving/Harvest Festival - the boys made 2 sets of songpyeon, the normal way, stuffed with honey and ground sesame seeds, but also "punishment" ones, with the weird flavor combos, like chocolate and tuna - yut - traditional Korean game, played for over 2000 years - a bit confusing to try to explain with words, there are many videos on YouTube that explain it visually - just think of the sticks they're throwing as a form of dice/domino, which they throw to get a random number of moves they can move along the board (and typically, the sticks are far smaller, to enable a person to pick them up and toss them with one hand - these giant foam ones are for entertainment ^^) - Koreans, when playing games that require twirling in place (to make the player dizzy) will often do the "elephant nose" - this keeps the person's head steady, and prevents them from being able to cheat by turning their heads while twirling to mitigate the dizzying effects of the spin - ddakji - folded paper squares thrown with the purpose of flipping the other player's ddakji - anyone who's seen Squid Game will recognize this game - personal note - I may or may not have stolen many of my parents' newspapers and magazines when I was a child to play this game... - Koreans have a deep love for games, and there are, quite literally, thousands of games for just about any and every situation, and MOST of them require nothing more than people, and maybe some easily and cheaply attained items to make into tools for the game


great suggestion! every time i watch that ep i end up rewinding because i was laughing so hard i missed some other hilarious thing happening lol


Omg, so I'm usually not one that comments and is more of a silent supporter but if your gonna move around a bit then I'm gonna suggest ep 128. I recently watched it and it was so funny. Its also a standalone ep so you dont have to worry about another ep that goes with it like alot of run ep tend to have. This was just the first one that popped into my head but in the end it doesnt matter because there are so many hilarious run eps to choose from.


if the next one is the one you saw at the end that one is a really cute episode most people love watching lol