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Can't Believe it's over! :(.... 





It was fun rewatching this with you!💞 Btw, how are you feeling? I hope the side pains are not as bad?


Hi Caitlin, how are you? I hope you're doing well. I believe they're eating dried squid. It's one of their favorite snacks. :) think of it as the Asian version of Beef Jerky, that's the closest comparison i can think of.


I would say the best liars in the group are Jin and V just because the group has been fooled by them so many times. Jin is usually really good at spotting the liars and V just likes to troll. The worst liar is Jhope but he's gotten a little bit better at it. RM is a semi-bad liar and a bad detective because he often overthinks things, which makes sense with his high IQ. Everyone always suspects Jimin because he just seems sneaky. Usually, JK never gets accused but when he does he gets so frustrated like a kid because he's usually innocent. Whenever Suga lies he gets more talkative, in the last episode he was one of the evils, and he was more talkative and more awkward than usual.

Jessica McGuire

Poor Hobi was so worried that ARMY wouldn't like the Hobi in this series. This is more who he truly is behind the idol and he's used to at least trying to maintain the idol image, rather than just being himself. Personally, his stage persona can be a bit over the top for me, but this Hobi, the person that he really is, is someone that I genuinely like and could spend time with. This series gave me a lot more respect for the man Hobi really is.


i love your thoughts on this series especially him being a mom to the maknaes. They are literally his babies and yes he really is the cleaning genie. He loves cleaning hahaha Bon Voyage will show you that. Speaking of which, I'm excited for you to get to know more about their personalities in their series and especially in their documentaries which you will be watching the future. They really are so precious. THANK YOU SO MUCH CAITLIN. I enjoyed this so much and i hope you do. Be well and stay safe beautiful <3


Omg i cant wait for you to watch Mafia/kinda/ Run episodes.


Thank you caitlin ! I loved rewatching this with you . I liked your thoughts on all of the members. I can't wait for you to see BV.


It was fun watching these episodes with you.. cant wait for BV!!


I remember in one of the logs Jimin did in 2013 pre-debut he called J Hope the mum of the group (a mum who is good at dancing, Jimin's own words lol). That is very true here. You'll notice in BV that Jhope is cleaning genie and very organised and is always trying to helo out. The boys are so close its insane, I can't wait for you to see BV S1-4! This was fun to watch with you!


It doesn't help that everytime the others suspect Jin he always brings up blue village 😆


I enjoyed this so much Caitlin! You summed each member up very well. I remember I watched BV first and Jimin being this super sweet guy to his members stood out to me. It's an ongoing thing with him. Guess that's why all the members said if they had/have sisters, Jimin would be the member they wouldn't mind them dating. I really think of Hobi as the center of BTS and RM as the leader out in front.


im sure you're going to love bon voyage soo much !! each season gets better in my opinion because they're always older and more comfortable with everything so that's also a lot to look forward to

Kimberly Haskins

One of my favorite things about ITS and BV is when the crew all leave for the night and let the static cams record everything. The members always end up together at night, eating dinner, playing games, and it's so unfiltered. I think your takes on the members were pretty spot on. We've gotten to see them in unfettered moments before but not to this extent, so it was both fascinating and fun to see them so carefree (for the most part). At the beginning I think Jimin was more focused on being entertaining, like he's playful but I think he was playing it up for the cameras a bit in the first day or two. He eventually settled though and you saw him relax and just let go, in the same way we saw Hobi being quiet, and we got to hear Joon's real laugh which was shockingly even more windshield wipery than Jin's lol


your going to love bon voyage so much caitlin! i cant wait :D

Kaylarnie Te Kahu

Personally i love all of Hobi even his stage persona its beautiful loud and cheerful its amazing i love quiet hobi too but honestly all of him is perfect to me.

Kaylarnie Te Kahu

just so u know in the series when they played this JK WAS NOT EVIL he was MERLIN yhe one who were evil was JIN,SUGA and JIMIN

Kaylarnie Te Kahu

It was amazing watching this with you i loved it sooo much every reaction you had i was vibing along with you i cant wait for BV with you its gonna be so awesome to vibe with you on those series as well and u will literally see all their personalities they are BEAUTIFUL HUMANS im a Jhope biased as well and yess hobi definitely has a soft spot for the younger guys especially JK members have said that JK and HOBI are the closest and i think it has to do alot of when they were trainees and stuff when JK would get upset or cry he would go to HOBI and hobi would comfort him but i think JK is very precious to all the members because he is their baby, I love all the interactions they have with each other and i love how close they are with each other and they all all have special bonds with each other.


Omg i can't believe it's over! XoX This is a series that i've been looking forward to watching with you every week! It's such a peaceful and bright part of my week! I love being able to see the boys in a more natural setting. It makes me happy when they're happy. :') But thank you for sharing this with us! I'm sad it's over, but i'm so excited to watch bon voyage with you! It's soooo good! Purple you! <3


Oh, I’m similar to Jk. My MBTI is INFP-T, from what I was reading it definitely describes me well! Also, in the behind the scenes the guys played a practice game before playing the real game we saw in the actual episode. So in the practice game jin didn’t play that round and instead was just the host of the game. The evil in the practice round was Jimin and Jungkook, but in the real game where Jin played as well, the evil was Jimin, Jin and Suga. Lol! Thank you Caitlin, I loved rewatch this with you, it made it even more fun! And I loved you talking about what you learned about all the guys. 💜