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Honestly I feel like I'm one of the few people that really love the leads couple lol Like Eungyeol and Eunyoo are so cute and fun together...but they get overshadowed by the parents couple

Nancy Lo

I'm just here for the parents growing relationship now. It's just so sweet. And the main couples relationship won't affect the future since their both from the future. But it's awkward between them because they think the other is from the past.


For me, I haven’t really seen them in a relationship way until I really saw them falling hard for each other. They were arguing so much and for a second I thought that she was using his dad just for fun. After knowing her story more and also just seeing them fall for each other …it’s helping me with them.


I absolutely love this episode, it’s truly one of my favorites and it’s done a lot to build for the story of the whole thing. Eunyoo is so adorable and quirky I love it honestly

Kevin Austria

Bestie, us asians are like that. We are very whipped to our crushes and will do anything to get them to love us! Lmao. Oh and teachers and parents smacking us, that was very normal for us growing up and i gotta say it made us tougher 😅


Ugh, I remember falling for Ha Eungyeol when I first watched this and even becoming a tiny bit obsessed with the actor himself Ryeoun. It's Those freaking quotes!! I'm making my future husband resite those to me, he can make them his vows IDCCC! lmao But anyway! We literally had the same reaction when seeing that picture of Lee Chan cause that's sooo cute and SCARY at the same time. THIS IS my third seeing this AND I still Get SCARED! Cause I'm putting myself in her shoes. When I first watched this I literally thought to myself "Wait she's an artist, and artists literally draw EVERYTHING that facinates them, she has to have a picture or a scetch of him. I was hoping it was in another sketch book though! Cause she seemed so relaxed! But UH OPP JUMP SCARE. I WOuld have Ran... Bulted! Used my track lessons for good use!! Se kyeong and Chung ha are STRONG. I would have ran if I was in either one of their situations. HONESTLY RESPECT! Now I'm more excited for you to see episode 10... My favorite episode! AH