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Hope you enjoy! 💕



Kaya Romanova

Thank you very much, I love watching such content with you. Eunseok is really funny, I can't with him! And of course I miss Seunghan so much, i need him back :(


Not me finishing watching this on my phone and hurring back to work to then come back to the most beautiful screen shot of Seunghan filling up my whole screen...? I checked to see if maybe Caitlin put a picture of him at the end of the vid, but nope. Then I checked if it was part of the thumbnail, but also nope. So I'm confused... I wish I took a screenshot, but I was too dumbfounded to lol. If ya'll want to interpret what I witnessed please go ahead! But call me dalulu for saying this...,🤪 but...this has to be a sign he's coming back Right! lol...like how else should I interpret that mhm?🤨 Anyways!! Eunseok and Wonbin sticking to their mbti roles never gets old lmao eps 5 and 6 are too chaotic🤣