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Hello Everyone welcome to another Patreon Request Form! Excited to see what you all send in! Real quick here are the rules that I need you to follow to help me stay organized. PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH BEFORE LEAVING A REQUEST: 

This is not limited to only Kpop so you can send in whatever you would like to see me react to. 


1. Only leave 1 request. The reason being is because some of you get keyboard happy and start spamming me with lots of requests and it's too much lol this way it's more manageable for me to look through. (if you have more then 1 then wait for the next request form to go up and you can leave another one then) 

2.. Please leave a link or added information with whatever you're requesting. I want to make sure I'm reacting to the video that you want me to and I also want to know a little bit of background on the group or song if possible. I'm not going to know everything before hand so this is helpful.

3. The form will close at the end of the day 11pm CST (Please convert this to your time zone)make sure your requests are in before then. If you miss it then there will be another post going up later this month so you can try again then. 

4. Make sure You're not requesting things I've already seen. Try to check my channel or the Patreon the best you can that way it's not a waste of an request for you. 

5. Don't just say "group name" please add what song or what stage you want me to watch. You have to be specific so I know what you want me to watch. 

6. For Albums, please for now only request a B-side instead of the whole album. The reason being is that I'm doing a deep dive on my groups right now and I want to focus on their music first. once that is done I'll open this up for full album requests. 

Request Form Click here


I took in a lot of input for the form and it really helped! Thank you to everyone to left a comment in the last one. I Hope this form is a bit more organized. Let me know if there's anymore I can do to make it even better.

I decided that I may do the Request form once a month instead of BI-weekly because it's already starting to pile up with requests. That will most likely take place next month. I'll let you know the date in our next Weekly Watchlist post.

Reminder that I will not be doing everything all at once (Not the movie pun lmao) this form is for me to look at and choose what I want to react to WHEN I CAN OR WANT TO. Do not expect your request to be reacted to right away. Do not hound me asking me when I will do them either. It will be done at my own pace. Most of the time you guys request things that I'm either already watching or plan to watch so either way it's probably going to be watched eventually.

anyways excited nonetheless and looking forward to see what y'all are recommending. Thank you for the support! Next Week's watchlist will be going up a Sunday so see y'all then! 💕 




I missed the form 😩


I missed this time, but that’s okay, you’ve already checked out so many of the ones I was thinking about, so I have faith more will come.