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Chapter 68

Technomancer in MCU

The Triskelion


Watching the fighter jets that had begun circling the carriers above them, Ed thought of the possibilities that could come off this scenario. He had already noticed the order from the President regarding halting any action on us just after he had read the message sent to him on the phone Ed had given him during their last meeting in the bunker under the White House. Watching him and his aides scramble around like headless chickens after the disaster that was the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. was hilarious and adding this on top of that pile was just the cherry on top he needed. Although, some of their burdens were taken care of by Tony who was making good use of the resources he had been given in the form of the mid-tier lab that was installed in Stark Tower’s basement by Alfred during the aftermath of the invasion of New York back in 2012. He had not been informed of that until a few months after Stark and Banner had already begun using them. He had been against the move as it somehow sent a significant amount of power into the hand of Stark, who already had more power than he knew what to do with. But after seeing the logs of Stark and Banner just doing SCIENCE! in that lab, he had given up against Alfred and allowed them continued access and even elevated their access to B-tier defensive machinery.

Jarvis, using the enhanced processing power he now had access to, had already scraped off nearly 99% of the classified information that the protocols present in the chip leaked to the internet. Of course, Alfred had expected this to happen and had already made sure that the necessary information reached the ears of the people that mattered. Heads were certainly going to roll after this but he was not going to be satisfied with just a small group of people being sacrificed as scapegoats and the overwhelming majority of the people responsible for that being given just a light slap on the wrist in the forms of monetary fines, something they had in plenty.

“Alfred, what's the response?” he asked Alfred while monitoring the overall movements of the organisation. Seeing the various facets move like a well-oiled machine, especially after seeing the shitshow that had occurred after Alfred had left, was utterly satisfying. The reason they had to mobilise nearly 80% of their overall assets on the planet was due to the resurgence in hostile activity near the Mystical hotspots of the planet. He had been given the news of multiple rebellions around the planet that had begun right after Alfred had left. Somebody was behind all of that and he had no idea who. After all, for somebody to know exactly when Alfred left, the person would have to be either incredibly powerful or incredibly close to the people who had access and he was certain that it was not a leak on their side since the only way people could bypass the runes Alfred put on the mandatory contracts that everybody has to sign, is to brute force it using the Soul Stone. He mentally noted it to tell Alfred in private about his theory.

“All 194 member states have responded and have their various representatives on their way to the meeting. Also, since Dracula’s death, the mystic side of the planet has gone silent and we have not registered a single attack on any of our outposts. Nevertheless, I have made sure that the anti-mage contingent is in orbit and available for any emergency that might occur during the meeting. I have also set all of their protocols to elimination and have made sure that the locals of that hotspot are made aware of that,” Alfred smirked and replied, still working on something as he could see his eyes had glazed over. That was a new thing that he would have to get used to. Normal human-like gestures from Alfred.

“How long do we have to stay here and pose for the cameras?” Daisy complained, showing all her teeth, as she posed for the camera to record and show it to millions of viewers who were watching in anxiety because according to what the news was reporting, an unknown, ergo them, organisation has attacked several high profile people across governments, businesses and more, across the world.

Shaking his head, Frank replied as it seemed that Alfred had become too engrossed in whatever he was doing or he just ignored Daisy, it was difficult to tell, “Technically, we don’t need to but we have to make sure that all of the techs that is in the debris below is neutralised before it falls into wrong hands and the people I’ve tasked it with are nearly done. Then, we can leave and retire to your shiny new captain’s cabin which I’m sure was more important than handling the day-to-day tasks of the organisation.”

Daisy froze mid-pose as she turned around to look at Frank with a wooden smile, “Uh..Uh, I can explain?” She tried to explain but they had all tuned her out as they watched the Army finally reach the barricades surrounding the Triskelion.

He subtly nodded at Frank, who tapped something on his wrist. Then a tractor beam locked on the forms of Daisy, Frank, Black Bolt, and Medusa as they were transported back to the supercarrier, not that it was visible to everybody watching outside. To them, it must have looked like six of the four people floating above the wreckage of the carriers, just disappeared into thin air. The startled reaction of the soldier who was about to speak in his megaphone was evident.

Ignoring the words spoken by the soldier below, he instead locked on to the satellite that was responsible for giving the President direct view of them and spoke, “I’ll see you soon,” and activated the stealth systems of his suit, Alfred following suit. Soon, all of the carriers too activated their stealth systems and with judicious use of the shrinking system, they made using the Pym Particles, floated out of sight and with Alfred’s newfound portal-making capability, soon reached New Attilan or the current position of New Attilan, The Great South Bay of New York with the UN headquarters in direct line of sight.


White House


As the feed closed with the frozen scene of that bastard on the screen, he slammed his hands on the table in a rare show of frustration and shouted, “Somebody get me Stark on the line, NOW!” Breathing heavily, he looked at the hateful visage of Ed and he thought of all the problems that had popped up one after the other ever since he had shown himself to the world during the invasion of New York. No, he had been patient with Stark and rightfully so, since Stark possessed a lot of money and consequently, a lot of power but things had gone above the limit now. He couldn't give a damn about Stark’s stonewalling,” I need Iron Man and the Hulk and I want them here yesterday. DO you understand me?” he shouted at one of the assistants who was brave enough to stay in the room after his outburst. The assistant nodded, all flustered, and left.

With the room empty, he slumped back down on his seat, still unable to believe the shitshow that had landed on his lap during his presidency. Other Presidents would be unfortunate enough to have even a single major scandal during their terms and he was dealing with the third crapshow of his term. At this rate, he would be lucky if he could lose gracefully and not be thrown out of the White House with all his achievements disregarded and his dignity destroyed.

Sighing, he got up and poured himself a drink, a gift from Pierce if he remembered correctly.

Ah, that bastard. He hoped that it was laced with poison so he could just not deal with this headache.

“S-Sir?” one of the grunts who was clearly new and most certainly being bullied to do the job, poked his head in and said, “Mr.Stark has responded sir. He says he will be at the UN meeting with Dr.Banner, sir.”

“Hmm,” he replied and waved him off while nursing his drink. The guy ran out of the room like he had an alien on his tail, further cementing his prediction of the cowardice of the people he had recruited as part of his Presidential staff. He should fire half of the people who worked for him if they could not do anything about an entire military organisation that operated in their backyard like they owned it.

Alas, at this point in time, all he could do was wait for Stark to arrive and hope, against all odds, that he could make himself look at least a little good, coming out of this meeting and not end up making an utter fool of himself and his country.


–Nick Fury–

Watching the email that had been leaked to the press, he gritted his teeth as he finally realised why Ed was not present during the meeting. He was preparing for this. The question was why?

Why go through all that trouble and actually call a goddamned UN meeting all the while his operatives went around the world, killing off any H.Y.D.R.A. allied people they could find.

“What should we do, sir?” Coulson asked him, a worried crease on his forehead.

“What we can do, Coulson. We wait. Because this time, there ain't a goddamned thing I could do that would make it better and besides,” here he smiled and said, “don't you know? I have retired and this is the problem for whoever comes after me.” Coulson nodded hesitantly. He could see the confusion on his face but didn’t answer his unasked question.

Instead, he got out of the helicopter as it had landed seemingly in the middle of nowhere, and tossed a cube to Coulson who was about to alight from their flight.

As it came out of nowhere and Coulson was still undoing the seatbelts, he fumbled around with the cube for a bit before he securely caught it. Coulson then looked at the pilot in confusion as the helicopter began taking off again.

Over the sound of the blades, “Remember Coulson, don’t make the same mistakes I did. That,” he pointed to The Toolbox “has everything you might need to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. Make it better, Coulson. I'm counting on you.”

He could see Coulson’s face lose color as his eyes widened in realisation of the situation he was in but before Coulson could say anything, he heard a double beep behind him, signalling that his ride had arrived so he turned around and sprinted to the area that looked like the woods but most probably had a holographic illusion around it. After all, he knew Yondu Udonta never wasted a single moment without being paid for it.


Word Count - 1972

A/N -

So uh hey guys remember that barbeque I talked about that was too good? (Insert bashful smiling) Well as it turns out, too much of a good thing turns it too bad as well.

Long story short, I fell ill and the double kicker was the test I had at work today that would signal my readiness for a project I had been hoping to get. Now, as you can probably tell, I've recovered enough to write, and will probably provide you with regular chapter goodies. Also, expect a double-chapter release this weekend.

Stay tuned for more!



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