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Chapter 33

Technomancer in MCU


Looking at the HUD, it was still time until Fury came here.

Deciding to have some fun until he comes over, I order Alfred to get us to the meeting room inside the underground bunker.

I couldn’t wait to see Fury.



According to Alfred’s reports, the meeting was to be held jointly by the President, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of homeland security. Pierce did try to get an invite but the President was all out of patience after Pierce just backtracked on his plan to get Fury ousted.

Probably too focused on moving important projects out of their “hidden” bases.

Alfred was in the process of tagging all of them to see if immediate intervention was necessary.

It would help us be better prepared in case of any surprises when we finally move in on them and destroy them in one fell swoop.

Phasing through the ground and inches of concrete on the way to the bunker, I am once again reminded of the disorienting feeling that was experienced by everyone who tested this technology.

Not feeling but seeing matter go through you is a very disturbing feeling.

Thankfully, I was used to it.

Entering the bunker, I could see that there was a lot more security present here.

Alfred also reported higher than usual aerial presence in the skies above DC.

Some of the nearest bases were on high alert, ready to dispatch jets in case of an alarm.

The President was probably scared of someone, most likely us, intervening or hijacking this meeting.

I winced as I thought about the superclass carrier that was floating in space, waiting for a command from Alfred to freefall right on top of the White House.

Bringing that was probably not a good idea.

Entering the common area, I am treated to the sight of the President having tea with the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of homeland security.

Listening in on their conversation, they were not discussing anything of importance.

Probably waiting for the actual meeting to start before briefing everybody.

Alfred couldn’t hack into the reports as it was strictly physical copies only.

Apparently, they even had gone to the trouble of finding a typewriter of all things, and using it to print the reports.


But as I see Alfred producing copies of it using the advanced scanners installed in this ship, I think that their paranoia was justified.

It was just that the steps taken by them were pretty much useless in front of Alfred and his obsession with improving remote sensing capabilities.

Almost all of our deep space probes were designed and improved upon by Alfred before we even had our first spaceship.

I knew that we had a jump gate nearby but Alfred was the one who figured out its precise location.

Reading through the reports, the general gist of it was as expected.

They were going to treat me as an enemy.

Not publicly, obviously. That would make them public enemy number one but with their control of social media, they wanted to try and let the hype die down before taking any concrete public steps.

So predictable.

They also wanted Fury to take the blame on this one.

So predictable.

The President was aware of the pilot that I had given Fury and he also knew of the disastrous way they handled him.

They couldn’t keep him alive in custody for a few hours, let alone interrogate him.

It was going to be difficult for Fury to come out of this still as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Which is why I was going to step in.

Having Fury remain as the director of the agency was a very important piece of the puzzle that I was trying to unravel.

Without him, I would need to just destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.Y.D.R.A. through the brute force method.

Not only would that tip my hand off too early, it would result in a needlessly large loss of life.

Agents of both sides would end up dead.

The remnants of H.Y.D.R.A. would take advantage of the chaos and cause even more damage, escaping safely in the process.

The world would be none the wiser about the existence of H.Y.D.R.A. and the faults of S.H.I.E.L.D. that they need to correct so it can become what it was envisioned to be by its founders.

“Alfred, are the stun bots positioned?” I asked Alfred.

“Affirmative, sir. Also, the illusion preparation is also done. Nobody will see a thing.”

“Very well, go ahead then,” I order him.

There is a very small, nearly unnoticeable glitch you would feel if you were looking directly at them but virtually undetectable otherwise.

There was now a 3D hologram of the President and others sitting on the table.

The people inside the hologram see what we want them to see and the outsiders see what we want them to see.

According to the agents stationed nearby, they heard the President ordering them to empty the room and after getting their confirmation, they slowly shuffled out of the lounge and sealed it behind them, acting on the orders of the President.

The President and the ones inside the illusion never saw anything other than the ordinary.

They were just conversing casually with each other when I just popped out or rather unshrunk myself on the empty sofa.

The reaction was immediate.

The Secretary of Defense immediately tried to reach for his nonexistent gun.

The President screamed loudly for security and the Secretary of Homeland Security took one look at me and fainted.

That was confusing.

I wasn’t that scary, was I?

As I heard them screaming, I crossed my legs and made myself comfortable on the couch.

By the time they realised that nobody was coming for them, they had already scrambled back to the wall.

Then, they just looked awkwardly at each other and then at me.

Credit to the President, an expert politician that he was, he recognized me and the fact that I had not hurt any of them, he cleared his throat and fixed his tie before greeting me with a clearly fake smile.

“Good evening. You must be Ed. Can I ask why you have come here in this rather surprising fashion? If you wanted a meeting, you could have just and I am sure my assistant would have arranged one ASAP.” he said to me.

He tried to act all calm and composed but I could see the sweat on his brows and his increased heart rate.

Deciding to calm them as I wanted something from him this time around, I stood up and said, “I apologize for this abrupt entry but I wanted to warn you before you did something irreversible.”

“Please, have a seat,” I gestured to the couches. “You too” I pointed to the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security.

After we had all sat down, I activated a hologram, showing video footage of multiple fleets of the Chitauri along with the Black Order destroying multiple cilvisations, most of them more advanced than ours.

They were clearly awed and terrified of the things I was showing them.

After a while, they composed themselves and the President asked me, “How can I be sure that it was real?”

I shrugged and said, “You can’t be. But you know from the reports given to you by Fury that the alien army was given to Loki by someone. Turns out that someone has a lot more of that army than the one we stopped from destroying New York.”

The President sighed and said, “What do you want us to do then?”

“It was Fury’s job to safeguard against stuff like this and besides a warning to look out for Loki that was then swiftly retracted as he was captured, we had no way to prepare for an attack much less a full-fledged invasion,” he said, clearly frustrated.

I snorted and said, “A full-fledged invasion, you say? Please. An army coming from a bottlenecked portal is barely a threat compared to the ones that are out there. They can do orbital bombardment for days, scorching the planet without taking a single hit in return. Our nukes won’t even reach them before they shoot them down from the sky.”

They looked stunned at that piece of information.

Just then, the door opened and a member of the Secret Service poked his head inside and informed us about the arrival of Fury.

They looked shocked that the agent could not see me.

I signalled the President and he nodded and told the agent to escort Fury to the Meeting room.

After the agent left, he immediately turned to me, the question visible on his face.

I gestured to our surroundings and said, “It’s a hologram. An intricate illusion of just you three sitting on the couch. They won’t be able to see or hear me. A handy piece of tech, very useful for infiltrations like these.”

They nervously laughed and nodded along, clearly afraid of the implications I made about the technology in my possession.

I slapped my thighs and said, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the meeting hall. I’ll explain further when Fury is here. I am sure he will have many questions for me as well.”

I stood up and so did they, albeit hesitantly.

Before we exited the room, I turned to them and said, “A word of warning, however. Please don’t alert any of the agents outside to my presence. It will just needlessly make me take action and you won’t like it. Am I clear?”

They clearly didn’t like it but they nodded with gritted teeth.

I smiled pleasantly and said, “Very good. Let’s go”, turned around and gestured them to go before me.

It would look very spooky if the door opened on its own and nobody came out of it for a while.

We all passed the hallway and after some security checks by the Secret Service, during which I had shrunken down and entered the pocket of the President, they opened the meeting room and all of us took a seat.

They were pretty startled when I appeared out of thin air and sat on a hard light chair.

Winking at them, I put a finger on my lips, indicating them to be silent.

The door opened and Fury in all his bald-headed, one-eyed glory entered the room.

He took a good look at all the occupants inside the room and when his eyes landed on me, I could see in real time his eyes widening and a vein popping on his forehead.

“You?!” he said while pointing at me.

Oh man, this was the best.

“Yes, ME!” I said with the biggest grin I could manage.


Word Count - 1846


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