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Chapter 5

Technomancer in MCU

The Helicarrier control room

– Nick Fury –

“What a shitshow this has become”, I think, not hiding my grimace, while waiting for the council to assemble.

“Even in times like this, they cling on to their vain pride. ”, I thought privately.

After what felt like ages, “Director Fury”, spoke the councilman in front of me.

“Can you tell us what the hell is going on?”, the councilman speaks, clearly frustrated at their lack of control of the situation.

“As you know, Loki opened a portal above New York through which his Army came to conquer the earth for him. The Team was able to figure out Loki’s location before us and given the urgency of the situation, they went ahead rushing to Stark Tower ahead of us. Due to–”

“How can they go ahead without our permission, Director. We were very clear from the beginning that even though we allowed the formation of the team reluctantly given the dire circumstances but under no circumstances was the team to be deployed without our knowledge. ”, interrupted the clearly irate Councilman.

“As I said before I was rudely interrupted, the situation’s urgency forced their hands. Romanoff and Barton are both with them so they have not gone rogue as you would believe. Now, Can I go ahead or does anyone else have any questions?”, I glared at the room with my one eye narrowed to make the point.

“No, Director. You have made your point. Go on with the report. ”, spoke another silhouette.

Clearing my throat, I said, “Thank you. As I was saying, Due to Tony’s suit, he was able to reach Stark Tower the fastest. There he found Loki. After a brief altercation, he was able to momentarily overpower Loki but due to the Opening of the Portal, he was forced to concentrate on the literal horde of aliens pouring out of that Gaping hole above New York City. ”

Taking a sip of water to moisten his dry throat, he continued, “Stark alone was not going to be able to handle them, that much was pretty clear from the get-go. The rest of the team sans Thor and Banner reached there soon after. ”

“While rescuing people stuck nearby, the suits that you are seeing were given to them”

“Yes, the advanced weaponry that has come into their possession. The council has a special interest in that, Fury. ”

“Ofcourse you do. ”, I thought darkly.

“As of now, we have no idea regarding the origin of the suits, the aircraft carrier floating nearby or even where they got that advanced healing and barrier tech. ”

“How did that come about, Fury”, spoke Alexander Pierce for the first time.

His inquiring voice was soft but it spoke volumes of how shaken he was regarding the revelation.

“We were supposed to be the guardians of Humanity from the greater expanse. How was SHIELD caught pants down in this situation? We clearly don’t have half a clue regarding the players on our own home planet. ”

The feed showing a white beam cutting through swathes of aliens running in front of him. Next to it was a feed of people being healed, the barriers being deployed through those spider bots.

“This is horrendous. We have no idea, no clue regarding this organisation. They have been operating on US soil for who knows how long without anybody being the wiser and now this, this needs a response. We cannot be seen not doing anything. Fury, what are our options now?”, the councilman questioned me.

“We are doing something, members of the council. My team is right there, helping people, defending them from the stragglers. The unknowns have just supplied the technology. None of their people seems to actually be there. Last I heard from the team, they had successfully established contact with the organisation and were promised a meeting after all this was over. ”

“See to it that SHIELD doesn’t come out the loser after this, Fury. ”, they addressed me.

They cut the feed after that.

Huffing, I turned around to head back to the bridge when halfway through Hill came running to me.

“What is it, Hill?” I asked her.

“Sir, it’s not just a single carrier as we previously thought. ”

Her words send alarm bells ringing in my mind.

“2 more have emerged from the water, sir. They have surrounded the city in a formation. Sensors indicate faint underwater activity of 2 more such structures. More importantly, a projectile was somehow launched from the moon. ”

What? “The Moon?”, I thundered back at her.

Not phased by my outburst at all, she replied “Yes sir. It is the size of a quinjet and it is headed straight towards the portal. ”

“Have we attempted to establish communication?”

“Yes sir. It is not answering any hails. Should we engage, sir?”

“No, I don’t think it will be of any use. I have a feeling that thing must be the doing of our mystery organisation. I don’t like mysteries, Hill. ”

“Contain this. Don’t put it in writing anywhere. We don’t need a riot amongst the councilmen regarding this.

“Roger that”


“14 minutes, sir. ”

“Hmm, inform Stark and the others about that just in case. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

As we were talking, we finally reached the bridge,

I shouted, “Alright, people. Are we any closer on identifying any of the tech they are using and where could they have gotten that?”

Sitwell came forward with a tablet and said, ”Sir it seems that the white beam we saw was an advanced railgun prototype. I say prototype because, after those continuous three bursts, they haven’t fired again but seem to have gone into defensive mode. The carriers seem to be using repulsor technology, same as Stark’s but the output suggests that they are leaps ahead of him. ”

“And the stealth technology they used?” I questioned him.

He scratched his head and replied, “We have no idea, sir. The only reason we are able to track them is they let us. Total sound, radar, light, and even vibration absorption technology. I have never seen anything like it. ”

“Alright, keep me posted about any new developments. ” I dismissed him.

“Yes, sir”

Standing near the bridge command console, I could clearly see all the machines in action.

From the healing bots to the shield machines to even the jets that have exited the carriers to destroy any alien that was able to get past Stark and Barton.

Speaking of them, I could see their popularity shooting through the roof after this. Hell, I could probably get Banner his pardon pretty easily now.

Studying the footage, I could confirm that whoever they are, they have thoroughly infiltrated SHIELD.

The themed suits with perfect synergy between the innate abilities of the user and the extra abilities offered by the suit.

Palming the pager that Carol gave me, I thought of calling her but the secret mysterious cabal seemed to be actually good this time and by the time she comes back, the invasion would probably be over.

Just like that, the time passed by.

The emergency services managed to arrive at the Central Park hospital these guys had created. Nearly all the civilians in the Dome of the shield surrounding the nearby areas of Stark Tower had been evacuated.

The team was fighting outside the dome now, all of the suits came with flight capabilities apparently.

Soon, the spaceship arrived.

From the feed of one of the many drones flying nearby, they were able to see that the spaceship stopped on top of the portal.

It stayed there for a while, increasing the tension in the bridge before something happened.

One after the other, a long rectangular structure unfurled itself from the bellies of all the three carriers and aimed itself at the portal or more specifically, the spaceship suspended above the portal.

A similar one emerged from the top of the spaceship.

The sensors indicated a huge buildup of energy at the tip of those things.

“Stark, are you seeing this?”, I said over the comms.

“Yeah, still don’t know what it does though. I’ll keep you posted Fury. ”

After a while, the carriers were emitting so much energy that for a second, I thought that they were going to just bomb the entire city.

Fortunately, the three carriers simultaneously emitted three beams of azure blue light aimed at the spaceship. The spaceship lit up when the energy beam struck its pole and then, all hell broke loose.


Word Count - 1428

A/N:- Lol. Cliffhangers truly are fun when you are on the other side of the screen.


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