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Austin's eyes will go back to normal for sure.  Won't they?  Guys?




His eyes are perfect. I hope they stay


Austin was the big white military werewolf of these two right? Aren‘t his eyes like always? XD Anyway, I still love these two and the story Aaron is putting together. I’m excited for every new chapter and every nee artwork you make for your universe! Thank you kind sirs!


New Alpha in the relationship. Austin WILL get therapy


I can't wait to write this scene. I have some good ideas on the old magic used.

The Horseman

Maybe he will temporally hulk out and then return to 'normal'.


Aaaah, his eyes are blue now! And his dog tags Adam is now wearing glow in the same blue! :O didn‘t pay enough attention it seems. ^^'


There's nothing about this series I don't like! *Zoidberg voice*


He is becoming drunk with power or he is not able to control him self.

The Wolfe Writer

I love this, but too bad you do half-turned to fully turned and not go from full human to half turned and then to full turned. It would be really cool to see something like that from you!

John Carrot

Wow, that escalated quickly.