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50 points if you can sing along without looking it up.

At the werewolf commune Art and Simon live at they only have old donated CRT tvs and vhs players.  Their video selection consists entirely of library rentals from the 90s.  (Its cozier than you think)  Fortunately Simon used to tape old shows off of cable and kept them for some reason.  (God knows WHERE he kept them)  TIME FOR A LEXX MARATHON!!

Wait it sucks never mind.




I love your cute stuff more than anything. Yes, I know this is a porn patreon, but damn I live for stuff like this. XD


Love that open mouth shot and angle!


These cute moments with Art and Simon are always such a treat!



Just B3arly

Had me at werewolf commune! Can sooooo relate played the few vhs tapes I had to LITERAL death! Too cute XD

Lurkybot3k (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 09:19:15 Oh no... they're a dorkable AND hot!
2022-06-22 02:00:13 Oh no... they're adorkable AND hot!

Oh no... they're adorkable AND hot!


When they start watching it they slowly start passing out then snoozing while the show is still playing. Man look at them two sleeping, match made in heaven. hehe.